Showboating tanks lol

Had a tank yesterday trying to impress us all
Hes pulling everything in 3 counties in on us, nearly dying in the process, but getting a bit of damage.
I decided since he was pulling it all in anyway to open up Outbreak/Epidemic and see what would happen on my on DK. EDIT…or is it Epidemic?
Holy hell, lmao. Literally double the damage of the next DPS down.
I have no clue what damage is suppose to look like since Im not the sort to worry about min/maxing or anything…but Outbreak/Pandemic on a huge 2 room pull is seriously good at driving up the Details numbers

I had tried it before but I never pull in huge mobs like that for fear of, well, being murdered lol.

Was trying to decide what to play in the new Mists thing…I think a lady panda unholy DK is the way to go.
Seems to be strong against both single and mass targets.

UDK is near if not the top dps if you can pull enough and the mobs live long enough. The problem is in content where most groups (read pugs) can pull enough the mobs tend to die to quickly. In content where the mobs live long enough, it’s either too hard to pull enough or requires coordination, which good luck in most pugs.


oh yeah, no doubt the second the tank would have lost aggro, I could have went ahead and hopped into a nearby casket, lol.
My pet was dying a LOT as well, so Im wondering if the mobs were also focused on the pet instead of me

Quadratic scaling of Epidemic leads to ridiculous numbers for sure.

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