Show Your Pride with New Blood Elf and Dwarf Heritage Armor

Spellbreaker and Mountain King armors are finally here, DH and Death Knights are playable and their WC3 designs are possible transmogs, We’re getting Tauren Chieftain.

Soon all WC3 units will be able to be made. And it will be glorious.

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Belves designed to be attractive and alluring

or squat alcoholics…hmmmm, I don’t know, this is a hard one.

I do. i have always liked playing as elves since Warcraft 2.
However W3: TFT was were I really enjoyed playing the sin’dorei.

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Where’s the option to sit bitterly in the back and pout until we get draenei and night elves?

(They look really great though!)

It’s what you would call a pre-determined outcome. Like Alabama vs. Arkansas St.

A more cynically minded person might think they were picking on a less represented group to make points with a more represented group.

But there are no cynically minded people on the WoW forums, amirite? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I finished getting to exalted with Silvermoon on my DH today with a full BC heroic run :slight_smile: can’t wait for the heritage armor

Anyone else leveling a DH, or second, just to get access to the heritage quest line and armor without having to level all the way?

I like both, but have to tip my hat to the Sin’dorei. Nailed it!

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Barely anyone plays dwarves why would you even poll this lol

But WHY are my lower robes still low-res?! sobs and rerolls to dwarf

This. We need to finish the Council of Three Hammers now

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Figure as the posts in the PTR forum go ignored. May as well post here as well. I’m glad we are getting Spell Breaker armor. Really. It’s a nice armor set. Just not in my eyes, heritage armor. It’s the equivalent of Stormwind Guard or Orgrimmar Grunt armor. The Dwarves, on the other hand, get something that looks like one of their kings would be wearing. I do like the armor, just, a bit disappointing it’s our heritage one. The lack of 3d assets on the lower half of the robe, oversized Infinity gauntlet esque gloves. Bookstops for shoulderpads, and some gold plated crocks for boots. As a demon hunter, wearing the robe covers all the demon hunter tattoos, and unique skin colors. I can’t even have the option of using the lower half of the dress as a skirt/kilt for a blood elven themed set for my DH, as instead of a kilt. We got some legion looking quest pants. Do I like the set? Yes, it’s just lower 3d assets than other similar heritage armor’s. But, I feel this should have been a ‘city guard’ set we could buy/earn/obtain. Not, a heritage set. It feels, unfinished and rushed. Imo, why they set it up against the least popular race, and it’s bearly winning in votes as of the time I’m writing this? Is because it doesn’t scream ‘This is what it means to be Sin’dorei.’ it screams ‘Dress like a guard microholiday’. Given blood elves are the most popular horde race, and dwarves are far from the most popular Alliance race, that’s just my take. Do I have an unpopular opinion on this? I may, but that’s why it’s -my- opinion. With so many players enjoying blood elves, it’s only expected that not everyone has the same idea of what they want for elven heritage to look like. The more popular a race, the more voices there are, each with their own take on this.

Well I guess players will just have to wait until Blood Elves return to the faction of their true heritage before getting a more magnificent heritage armor set.

No problem waiting a little longer, right?

Glory to the Sin’dorei!
Our enemies will fall!!


still upset that the boot cuffs and the leggings don’t have any 3D assets to them like most modern gear.

Ah yes, the faction of being forest hermits that don’t like anybody.

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The Dwarf shoes look a little bit like Croc’s to me.

sorry the art team usually aaa in most things. but both dwarf and or dwarf amour are just ugly. really need something more interesting. like a ram headed shield or helm. something. I wish I could link. I have like 4 that would been better.

I want to unlock all the races for now & future heritage armors. It’s gonna be a long haul, but thanks to 8.1, it’s going to be 25-40% easier :smile:

Glad i don’t ha

While you’re at it, give the Council of Three Hammers some unique models!

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