So that arrow on the bottom right corner of the taskbar when you right click it you have the option to “show the desktop” and I use this a lot when playing games and need to get to my desktop however I recently formatted my comp and after reinstalling WoW it no longer does this.
So for example when I playing WoW (full screen/windowed mode) and I click the ‘show the desktop’ button in the system tray nothing happens…
can someone help me figure this out
I would also like some input on this.
If I wish to check the desktop for something there, clicking on the “Show the Desktop” option on the taskbar does not work.
Is there some way to change any settings in the game to allow this?
I’m not able to recreate this problem in Windows 10, are you using 11?
You can also winkey + D to show the desktop, and winkey + tab to cycle between multiple desktops.
I am having this same issue with windows 11. I press the windows key to bring up the taskbar and when I click the show desktop button it does nothing. I cant find a way to minimize wow to get to my desktop.