Show raid frames while solo?

Does anyone know of a way to display raid/group frames while solo? Until recently I used an addon called “Blizzard Raid Frames - Solo Frame” but it’s completely broken now.

It’s difficult to play solo with a healer spec without being able to use the raid frame to cast spells, and the continued inability to just click a button in the default UI to display them at will is criminal.

If you’re by yourself can’t you just click your own frame?

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Yeah, but it’s much less convenient. It isn’t in the correct spot and it doesn’t respond to such clicks across 100% of its surface area even if I was willing to manually move it to where I keep my raid frames every time I want to be solo.

I’m hoping that someone knows some kind of command to display the raid frames like you used to be able to do with arena frames (if I recall correctly).


can 100% confirm that i forget to heal myself/die because i don’t have raid frames while solo and don’t notice my portrait icon hp drop

would love a way to have solo raidframe party of 1 without making my friend log into a character and go offline

Yeah. I can barely play without it, and when I do I’m thinking about how inconvenient it is to do so instead of having fun. The add-on I used before was the only solution I’ve ever found, but since the last update it sprays LUA errors like a cat with diarrhea. (LUA errors being metaphorical liquipoop, of course!)

Surely we aren’t the only folks with such a problem. I bet someone has some kind of solution, right?

SRF Solo Raid Frames Addon
Be aware it does cause some irritation in some cases

I want the bar just below my character. And its not by default.

Is this the one made by noukami that was last updated 11/27/2020? “Blizzard Raid Frames - Solo Frame”? That’s the one I have been using and the only one I know to exist. It’s completely broken since the last update, though.

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This one, I believe…

mine seems to work well enough.

You can of course move your portrait just to the left of your character, and your selected target just to the right. Nice and centralized.

Slap any WeakAuras underneath and the raid frames either below that or just to the left and you have a nice little information hub.

Outside of making a trial account and using that for your group, no.

Yeah. That’s the only one I’ve ever known to exist. It works solo, though it does pop up errors from time to time. If you join a group with it, though, it goes haywire and destroys everything. You have to manually disable it and reload UI every time you join or leave a group.

I have tried that and it’s better than nothing, though I also rely heavily on having various icons for shield, HoTs and such on the raid frames themselves. It’s still like playing two different games when solo versus grouping. I also greatly dislike having all that stuff in the center of my screen. I have two vertical weak auras bars to the left and right of my character for various cooldowns and such and then raid frames off to the right of that.

I’m old and it takes me a long time to build muscle memory and such. If I don’t have consistency, I’m useless. Right now it’s impossible to get that consistency, and it’s a big enough problem that I’m going to have to stop healing altogether, I think.

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Its a pain from time to time.
I believe it caused a problem in a dungeon once when i was trying to help the healer who was struggling keep a DPS player alive. Wouldnt recognize my mouseover macros for whatever reason.

is there something i’m missing here?

why not just unlock the frame and move it to where you want?

Yeah. We’re talking about showing raid frames, not rearranging the UI the move the regular character frame.

I explained above why that isn’t an acceptable solution. It’s extremely inconvenient, doesn’t work nearly as well, doesn’t reflect the various icons that I rely heavily upon from Improved Raid Frames, and lacks the consistency necessary to develop the muscle memory to play the class well.

I certainly wish that was a solution, but unfortunately it isn’t. It looks like my solution is going to be the scrap the healer altogether and just play DPS. Rogue looks pretty good…

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Have you considered using a healing addon, like Vuhdo? It can always show raid frame, plus all the healing features it comes with.

i saw what you said, it just sounds like a bit of an over-reaction.

perhaps you’d be better off with a UI which can handle more customization?

That’s an option, too, but I have a very, very strong preference for the stock Blizzard raid frames. I greatly dislike all of the addon replacement frames. Perhaps I could get used to them, but it seems ridiculous that I should have to force myself to use an addon to change UI elements to something I dislike because Blizzard won’t let me see the existing ones when I need them.

It’s not really an overreaction to me, though. It truly feels like playing a completely different character when solo versus grouping. I generally don’t play alts or even multiple specs often because it takes forever to develop the digital dexterity and muscle memory to play one well (especially a healer). When I’m forced to play differently it detracts from my ability to play well and fun. That generates enough frustration that I’m here on the forums looking for a solution that I’ve spent many hours trying to find on my own. A solution which, it seems, does not exist.

If anything, it’s an underreaction from my perspective. I’d unsub if I hadn’t foolishly paid for six months up front. It absolutely frustrates me that much.

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