Show Off Your Monk Transmog!

Show off your monk Transmog for all to see how the best class in this game dresses for its successes. Mine is the Shal’dorei heritage armor with a helm, and belt from the Legion Antorus raid. Go!

Here’s my Horde Monk. I just put two MoP sets together.

This is my Alliance Monk. Wearing a full set because it’s my favorite for the class:

I’m nothin’ special but here I am


Just pulling the tough guy/trench coat appeal.

Damn I love this trenchcoat.

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CM Mog is best mog

Absolutely Hiding Chest when it drops.

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Nothing too fancy for my monk here

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Here I am in the finest look that LFR can provide! :smiley:

I really fell in love with the stone look in Blackrock Foundry so made my mog around it. (Sadly had to kill the ghost bear for the unique chest look.)


I’ve got the mog I’m wearing at the time of this posting. I really love the way the orange tattoos on Cruel Gladiator’s Ironskin Tunic pop against Void form.

The Tankard is so I can have 1 sword on my back, since the Tankard is invisible while sheathed. If I try this with a fist weapon, I hold the sword while I fight.

lol thats my monk alt. Went for the classic level 19 twink look, sort of.

I am a monk of many mogs, here is my current.

Sup :star:

My monk, Panda/WoD CM stuff with s8 tabard and Legion 2400 illusion:


Your transmonk, perhaps?


Mine is minimalist. Why have all that bulky armor on when all you need is lightweight covering leaving you unhindered. Just need a black belt like ninjas.

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threw this one together a few expacs ago.