Show Me Your Moves 25m

I’m still interested in leading this and or co leading.

Will pay 10k gold to each who are part of a successful achievement run for that achieve.

call me crazy, but its just something that NEEDS to be done

I’m also interested. Add me up Ancester#1564

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I currently have a group right now with 6 people, including me, to do 10m. So there’s still some interest. More than there used to be. Please sign up this weekend.

I am interested. How do I sign up for this?

I am interested if you haven’t finished this yet. TCVxPRIDE#1530

SENT a request.

To make it clear, I want to run 25 man show me your moves, which requires 25/25 people.
I’ve done 10m 23 times successfully, and i still do it, its still fun, but 10m is well…easy.
Just looking for the greater challenge, that and no one else has done it or at least not recorded.
It would be pretty amazing to see 25 of those strikes, not to mention 25 people actually focusing for 15 seconds to work together.
and then 25 heroic evil laughter 25 people dodging 10 attacks each and dealing with trash, oh what fun.

Murloc#12798 I’m down for it.

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I’ll add. Still really want to do this on 25 man