Show me your druid transmogs

Druids are eating good this patch, show us your cute outfits!

Also don’t look at my transmog I am an unfashionable clown


I only made a couple of minor adjustments to my mog, but I’d been wearing the same mog for near on five years now and this patch finally gave me some stuff I wanted to switch.

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While my druid’s transmog hasn’t changed in 10,000 years (still rocking the extra-feathery Nighthold-tier PvP set)

I do really like these.

“Don’t ever talk to me or my chicken nuggets ever again.”


The somnowl model really is amazing. They did such a great job with it. What a difference ground animations make!

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I haven’t done much with my druid mogs in Dragonflight but here’s some of my favs:


I switched to my Druid, she’s wearing the upgraded mog from the preorder but apparently it doesn’t show on the forums, so she’s nakey lol

I’m a drood of the nightmare. I scoff at your Emerald Dream!

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