Show how absurd Frog Metrics are

So instead of applying basic math and uber easy outlier detection they decided to ban based on the fact you touched one frog, right?

Let me show you a run from today:

This friends is what you get when you never did frogs but grinded HoF Trash or Gates :wink:

I don’t know why but why didn’t they do what every basic statistics course tells you on youtube? Why even go to college when you can roll a dice and ban on completely arbituary metrics.

And the main question: Why did they do it at all? Why not buff others or do catch up? The forum constantly burns due to blizz trying to punish people for their failures instead of admitting THEY messed up and labelling something that existed for 12 years an exploit?

Revert the nerf, apologize to the community, buff bronze and move on @Blizz It’s embarrassing


I finally made it to the Timeless Isle today and one of the quests put me in the thick of those dreaded frogs.

I am ashamed to say I had to kill 4 of them.

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this one, officer!


Nobody cares about frog farmers anymore move on.

At this point they are just a punchline.


It’s not about frog farmers. It’s about how bad blizzard handled it.

They only blamed frog farmers. People grinded in HoF, Gate, Dalaran, goats. Yet they punished only people who looked at frogs.

It’s a stupid decision. They should revert it and admit that they where wrong.


Oh no, I’m pretty sure they’re endangered!

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They indeed are. By a community which is not addressing the main problem which is the company in this case releasing something so buggy that it’s impossible to do anything without asking if it’s intended or not beforehand.

This event turned from being the most fun into a dumpster fire.

They did the same mistake they did with diablo season two.


Yes, yes exaggerate to prove your point. Blizzard nerfed the cloak but left all the other rewards. On top of that they boosted the rewards from stat threads so you can make up the nerfed stats easier.

Remix is still pretty fun in my opinion.

They should but they won’t. It’s a terrible precedent to set, and it’s not even done by the main WoW team but it reflects them anyways.

My point is that a fun police was unnecessary. If people decide to farm threads by doing dailies, fine. If others farm trash, also fine.

Why did they nerf mechanics that existed for ever? Even in retail you can farm trash, reset and farm again till you teach the instance lockout.

It’s absurd. The dh in my group from today even said that he received the 40k bonus and just didn’t get a reset because he didn’t touch a frog but used other hyper spawns.

I highly criticize their take on this. It’s unprofessional and reflects how bad the decisions are made. It’s almost like they decided to do this based on gut feeling instead of proper statistics


Blizzard is going to be criticized no matter what they do. They focused on the frogs because that was the hyper spawn that got the most publicity. Then they quietly nerfed the other hyper spawns as not to draw attention to how poorly the quality control was.

Stats mean nothing in the court of public opinion and this was better than the complaints of “Exploit early and often”. In the end the people complaining about the nerfs are the ones that took part of it and will just be seen as upset because they got caught. Also they still got to keep the upgrades, loot, and rep from the farm so it was not a super bad nerf to them overall.

I haven’t heard tell of any bans for froggers. Just nerfs.

I think a better use of statistics and algorithms would be to have a variable drop rate that mitigates the issue in the first place. Something like this:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <cmath>

    double calculateDropRate(int collectedHour, int collectedDay, int collectedWeek, double initialRate = 0.1, double alpha = 0.1, double beta = 0.05) {
        // Calculate the decay part
        double decayFactor = exp(-alpha * (collectedHour + static_cast<double>(collectedDay) / 24 + static_cast<double>(collectedWeek) / 168));
        // Calculate the growth part
        double growthFactor = (collectedHour == 0 && collectedDay == 0 && collectedWeek == 0) ? exp(beta) : 1.0;
        // Calculate the final drop rate
        double dropRate = initialRate * decayFactor * growthFactor;
        return dropRate;

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Now that the cloak has been adjusted (whatever good that really did), let’s put the frog gate of 2024 to rest and find something else fun and exciting to talk about in Mop Remix. :crazy_face:

We were never angry at the players (at least most of us weren’t). We’re mad that the company that’s had this title for 20 years now made such a stupid mistake, and did their usual tone deaf ‘we hear you’ + a <10% bronze buff as their INITIAL response to the power disparity. Meanwhile upgrade costs remain as is.

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nah, dont think i will. :slight_smile:

Or that works too.

Panda sandals

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me staring at this like it is an eldritch spell scroll

yeah something like this should work