Show/Hide Enemy Pet Unit Frame Shortcut/Macro

Hey all!

I’m looking for a way to hide and show the pets name with a shortcut. It’s very annoying in BG seeing all the pet names (which also confuse me), but very useful when doing PVE. I don’t think there is an option to just hide Players pets, right? So wandering if there is a way to bind the command to show/hide enemy pets unit frames instead. Thanks!

Adjust the following CVars, 1 enabled, 0 disabled.

Could you explain better? What do I need to do (and how)? Also do elementals, ghouls and beasts all fall into the “pet” category? Or do any of these are “minions”?

/script npc=“UnitNameNPC”
/script on=GetCVar(npc)
/script SetCVar(npc, 1-on)
/script SetCVar(“UnitNameEnemyPlayerName”, 1-on)
/script SetCVar(“UnitNameEnemyPetName”, 1-on)
/script SetCVar(“UnitNameFriendlyPlayerName”, 1-on)
/script SetCVar(“UnitNameFriendlyPetName”, 1-on)

Thanks and happy new year. Do I put this in a macro?

Place the following in a macro

/run local c={"UnitNameEnemyPetName","UnitNameFriendlyPetName"} local n=1-GetCVar(c[1]) for i=1,#c do SetCVar(c[i],n) end print("Pet Names " .. (n==1 and "Enabled" or "Disabled"))

Thank you! Does it work with all kinds of minions? Elemental, demons, ghouls, beasts, etc.?

EDIT: This doesn’t seem to work unfortunately. On a BG I can still see all their pets/minions. I use Tidy Plates, might that be a reason?


/run SetCVar("nameplateShowEnemyPets", 0)

While the one from Elvenbane did trigger a “chat message” saying “Pet Names Enabled/Disabled”, this one does not show any kind of message. However, I’ll try.

As for Elvenbane, could it be that it actually hide/show the pets nicknames? I did noticed I saw familiar named “Bear”, but might just have been a coincidence.

EDIT: Confirming what stated above. Elvebane macro hides NAMES, but not the nameplates (or are they called Unit frames?) of both friendly and enemy pets.

EDIT 2: Pardon me I did more testing with Elvenbane macro and it seems to work… partially. What it does as stated on my first edit is to hide NAMES (not the bars, but the names altogether) of friendly and unfriendly pets. However that does not work with some types of “pets/minions”. I’ve spotted Elementals and totem for example. Is there a way to hide the HEALTH BAR but not the names and make it so it works with ALL types of ENEMY minions/pets/totems?

Triggers a message because I told it to :slight_smile:
print("Pet Names " .. (n==1 and "Enabled" or "Disabled")

You should be able to do that via Tidy Plates. Barring that you can definitely do it with ElvUI’s nameplates.

That said, if you grab Advanced Interface Options
You can look through the CVar Browser for the nameplate cvars, play around with them and see which give you the desired results.

There’s a whole bunch of them:
etc. etc.

If it’s possible I’d like to avoid additional addons! Of course if that’s going to be the only solution I’ll go for it with no problems. :slight_smile:

Going back to the macro, is it possible to insert all the types in one? Or you think we’ll get short of characters?

The latter. I strongly recommend AIO, it’s a great utility addon. You could learn how to use the wow console and dump all the CVars then manually update them via commands but it’s infinitely more tedious than using AIO.

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Gotcha. Well, I’ll give it a shot. Thanks!

[EDIT] Not sure if you’ll see this since it’s been a little, but I’ve downloaded the addon and set up the preferences. However, in my original post I was looking for a way to toggle on/off these particular settings because I find Enemy Minions nameplates very useful in PVE (but very distracting in PVP). Maybe I’m missing something, but is there a way to do so through that Addon?

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/script SetCVar(‘nameplateShowFriends’, 0)


/script SetCVar(‘nameplateShowFriends’, 1)

I did some research (the information on this post was critical, I value everyone posting) and found this worked for me. I use Tidy Plates.

Edit: These only work sometimes… I don’t know why.