Show Errors

Sigh. Blizzard has really screwed the pooch with these last few updates and issues. Shame.
I constantly get the following message:

There are too many errors in your UI. As a result, your game experience may be 
degraded. Disable or update the failing addons if you don't want to see this message 

But no windows show the error. I have the BugGrabber addon, and all error items are set to on for CVars as listed in “Advance Interface Options” addon as well.

Please help. I have no idea what the error is.


Without better diagnostics, you’re stuck with old-fashioned A/B testing.

Full UI reset but only rename directories, not delete them. Verify you no longer get errors.

Reinstate WTF folder. Verify whether errors return. If so, you’ll have to either manually fix cvars or (worst case) delete WTF and rebuild UI configuration.

Reinstate one addon at a time, to uncover which are throwing errors. Update the ones that are and can be updated. Delete the ones that are erroring but can’t be updated because they’re abandoned by their authors. Those will almost certainly never get better*. If you’re lucky, you’ll find functional replacements from other authors that are being maintained and that you can learn to use.

*I suppose if you’re already good at addon development and coding, and are familiar with the release 11 API changes, you could take a turn at fixing the addon yourself, but you would be in quite the minority.

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BugGrabber requires an additional addon like
to display the errors in-game.


Yes, I have both, and usually the window pops open with the bug listed.

After 11 I am getting that message, instead of the errors actually showing.

Sniperorc: It seems to be my addon. I disabled the one at a time, etc. And I “fixed” the error it was giving me, which turned out to be calling a protected function in combat. I fixed it, but the message still appears, but not the specific error. Sigh.

Thank you both for the help.

Right click the bugsack minimap button to open the options and check “Auto Popup” box (left click to see the errors frame).

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Sigh. This update changed addons or reset them.

I think this solved the issue. I clicked and it showed me the issue. I was calling a range check from a range library. It had the errors. The addon said, “Use version 3 of library now.”, I installed that, changed my addon, no errors in the few tests I made.

Thank you both so much for your help.

This update changed the underlying addon API in several different aspects. Unless the addon is ridiculously trivial, it would almost certainly rely on some API that was changed, because the 11.0 API change was substantial.

So the update simply rendered the existing addons out-of-date. You have to expect that every addon will absolutely need to be updated.

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