Show, don't tell

Cataclysm was hinted in Burning Crusade per the Dragonmaw Orcs in Shadowmoon Valley, or did you look the other way?

WoD was already projected per the book War Crimes

Legion was already set in stone per the end of Hellfire Citadel

Did YOU look the other way?

Read my post again:

That’s kind of my point, this was one of the few things they did well in the Classic era. Whereas the modern team is trying to use these open-ended teases to try to build hype while not having an idea of what they actually want to do so they’re vapid and empty.

I don’t care about books! I want matter -IN- the game!


you could also learn to read books watch videos about lore/speculation/lorebooks in game.

if you are a TRUE LORE nut there is alot of stuff that makes much more sense…problem is people want to be babies and be spoon feed all the lore in one format only…

like the concept of the jailor has existed for a LONG TIME…as it was always speculated there was another voice in the helm before wrath and wrath started that seed with bolvar (WOD/LEGION basically showed that bolvar was being whispered to)

but again you will not know this is your knowledge of the game consist of only the in game movies because you refuse to read questtext/books/etc…

now do i think they could do more ingame? sure I love it! but some things are told better in books/other formats/easter eggs.

every RPG game have books related to the game

the Witcher game series also have books that had to be explained in the novels for example

Uh, The Witcher games are unrelated to the books, they are their own, self-contained stories. You can play the games having zero knowledge of the books.

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True however the Witcher provide the main matter to make it enough to be satisfied by playing the game you /paid/ for. Novel should be complimentary, not a requirement. And this is where your take on that matter is wrong.

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how dare blizzard make people read books! the nerve! its almost as if WoW is an RPG game in some form!

We talking ingame books or out of game books? People don’t want to have to buy real life books to get the full story. It’s why there’s always so much confusion


Buy the book… the transmedia is impacting the game a lot…IMO

I mean, all you are doing is supporting the argument of how horrible the writing in their own game is lol.


Oh give me a break… they did a crappy job delivering the lore-story in-game. Even the more lore nerds around that justify each bit of writing have pointed out how much of a shoddy job they’ve done recently even. Jailer included.

Zo’vaal was thought up of in the last few expansions. Anything else is just you reaching and connecting dots where there aren’t any.


There is a bit of a similarity between Shadowland’s Jailer and Destiny 2’s Savathun, who was the antagonist of the Witch Queen expansion. This similarity is that they were both motivated by the threat of a bigger fish, of something worse that is coming.

And there’s a reason why this story works with Destiny, and not with WoW.

In Destiny, it has been established, vaguely at first, as far back as the Taken King expansion, that there’s some voice in the Darkness. Something that spoke to Oryx and gave him his powers. In Destiny 2, we see more of this voice in the darkness, and even start to call it The Entity. We first see hints of the Black Fleet, the pyramid ships that herald the Darkness at the start of the Destiny 2 campaign in a vision, and then again at the end of the campaign when we see them all gathering and moving towards the solar system. Later, we find one on the moon and there we again commune with that Entity. At the end of Shadowkeep, during Season of Arrivals, when more pyramid ships arrive, it even speaks to us directly, telling us that they are “our salvation.”

The Entity comes into play again when the fleet arrives in Europa, and we gain the first of our Darkness abilities. And we hear about it again when the Cabal Emperor, Calus, tries to commune with it aboard the Glykon during the Presage mission.

So at the end of the Witch Queen campaign, when Savathun is defeated and we realize she was trying to protect the Traveler from the Entity, whom she and others call The Witness, when she tells us it is now up to us to face The Witness, all the prior story beads make sense. And the campaign’s final reveal of The Witness itself pays off very nicely.

Why does this work?

Because Bungie’s writers did the appropriate set up! We had hints all along of The Entity/The Witness/The Voice in the Darkness. Even if we didn’t know exactly what it was, we knew something was coming. Heck you could probably go back to the very start of the game and realize that the Darkness itself would probably return in a very big way. And the game’s story is finally getting close to that moment. But the point is, the writers lead us to this. They showed it in the story. So while the reveal of The Witness at the end of the campaign was a surprise, it was one we’ve been preparing for for years.

We can also look at Mistborn. The Lord Ruler was evil, but he’s not the primary villain. In fact, everything he does, as despicable as it is, is his attempt to keep Ruin at bay. We can see this before Vin confronts him simply in the fact that the world is in a constant state of impending cataclysm. We know through the storytelling that there’s something beyond the Lord Ruler and when the Lord Ruler is defeated, we realize we’ve unwittingly given Ruin a victory. It’s a great twist, and why? Because Sanderson put in the work to prepare the readers for it. We know something is coming and when we find out what, the puzzle piece suddenly fits and the reader is both surprised and satisfied.

Meanwhile, Blizzard did almost no prep. There’s been very little to no hint throughout the Shadowlands that the Jailer was trying to remake the universe to help us “survive” that which is to come. There’s been no breadcrumbs leading to this moment, no embellishment of his motivation, no hints at a greater and darker force. For all most of us knew, he just wanted to destroy the universe “for reasons.”

The Bigger Fish trope can be done right. Destiny did it right, Mistborn did it right, Shadowlands very much did it wrong.


well that’s probably because they can’t read sadly…

books/comics show Geralt’s witcher trials and the torture he had to endure to be trained as a witcher, he just didn’t poofed into a witcher from the first game

supposedly endwalkers lore is just as bad. :man_shrugging:

How dare you. Get your head out of your bum.

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Ok? That’s all explained in the games lol.

The trial of grasses is explained in the games multiple times.


i never said zo’vaal existed

the concept of him existed before wrath even released.

YES BLIZZARD PROBABLY NEVER HAD A NAME FOR HIM till like 2 years before shadowlands released. but the idea of another person in the helm existed and was shown in WOD/legion