Show Blizz you mean it!

ya ya it was a joke

All I’ve done is correct misinformation and try to calm people down so they can voice their concerns in a rational manner, that is quite literally the opposite of “stir the flames”

I mean, I am. I have two monitors though and know how to multitask

This is probably pretty close to the truth of what’s happening.

Think about it: they were going to charge $35 to Clone characters that WE PLAYED, lol. What stopped them? Well, money of course. The inevitable backlash ensued, which made the bean counters realize their initial calculation was off on their Supply/Demand estimate. At $15 per Clone, they will make much more money because more players will utilize the service, and they’ll feel like they won a victory by talking Blizzard down from $35! But if they thought the $35 price tag would ultimately make them more money, there’s no doubt in my mind it would have stayed at that price. They simply do not care what these services do to the game or how they affect the players who want to enjoy this hobby.

Level 58 Boosts in Burning Crusade? Well, it’s only one per account right?! We can charge $40 and enough of the players will support the service to make it worth it. Hell, they’ve been paying more in Retail for the same thing for years; this will seem like a bargain! :joy:


you are posting on an alt, the things you say are irrelevant, but you already know this i just think its funny you are stupid enough to waste your time this in way

As it should be.

Everyone likes the free market until it decides something they don’t like is profitable.

nah this is my main, I don’t care for Vanilla so I never got a max level Vanilla character, but I’m excited for TBC. Would you rather see my retail main?

and you’re…not wasting your time doing the exact same thing?

sort of wasting my time but i’m not telling others to delete their account

why shouldn’t they? they’re unhappy with the product, they clearly don’t want to support the company anymore so why would they keep ties to it that would later gently tug on them to come back? by deleting your bnet account you would not have anything tempting you to return to the thing that you hate so much

like i said scumlord

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and like I said, be quiet, the adults are talking

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+1 more unsub, until honor is buffed

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You’ll never be able to apply logic to a conversation with an Andy.

you have nothing good to say you are defending this pretty hardcore why are you attacking those voicing their experiences

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I’ve seen that term thrown around a lot lately but I’m not actually familiar with it, what does it mean?

Just canceled both my subs. It’s numerous things but Blizz pretty much saying “Screw fun” with the honor nerf was the last straw. I was hoping it would be reverted today but no luck. I’d probably consider coming back if it was and I could actually have some fun with quick and dirty character progression. Boost + 2 lvls + BGs for honor gear seemed like a really fun way to spend the prepatch. BGing for 100+ hours for a single weapon is NOT fun when it will be replaced shortly.

I guess it is just how out of touch they are to the community, and they wont even respond to a thread with near 40k views.


Same here bro, same here.

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Not even my scourge army can match theirs sadly.


People are angry. Simple as that. They don’t love Blizzard, they love the game. But Blizzard is trashing the game that they love, so they are being vocal. Simple as that.


you could have gotten rank 14 over 3 months a year ago but nooo you want all the rewards now in 2 weeks

Well honestly it is why people argue against in-game shops.
In-game shops means the creators create another source of revenue from the game that they can rely on whenever they know they are making a choice that hurts the game.
It was quite obvious when they went and put out the $70 bundle, $40 boost and originally $35 now $15 character copies. And funny enough if they want more money? Screw over TBC. Make a lot of people hate TBC Classic and want to play Classic, all those free $15 character copies!
Then they can say “We want to help!” and make fresh TBC servers. 2 months in add character boosts again to those servers!

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