Thanks for the great walk-up at the Wyvern’s Tail tonight! I dont do a lot of RP Hordeside (something im trying to remedy) it can be a little intimidating treading those unfamiliar waters - on a brand spanking new character no less! At one point it was like Gathering of the Troll tribes, and eventually settled into fireside chatting. All around great company. After my character left, she walked (yes, RP walked) back to the Valley of Spirits where I decided she’d be staying. Someone saw me along the way and thanked me in a whisper for the little bit of immersion. When I first came to an RP realm, it was one of the biggest things I noticed as well.
Anyway, because of this and many other positive experiences, I’ll be coming back and hopefully with lots of walking through the city. If you’re wanting to make the leap to the red side, Raz’rezha be wantin’ some friends!
Oh boy, this makes me wanna make a Hordie all over again. I’ll wrest some time from my busy schedule and bring my troll druid to life!
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Doooo iiiiit!
I have a sassy belf (who doesnt?) i occasionally rp on as well. The more the merrier!
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You should! There’s a lot of casual rp going on over horde side at the tail and even when its quieter its rad.
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I thought I’d jump in here as well!
I had some really nice experiences on the alt I made, which is also my first Horde. I initiated roleplay a couple of times with people who were standing in Orgrimmar and had a note in their TRP ooc section that they welcome walk-up roleplay.
But what really positively surprised me were the different people who on different occasions came up to me to interact while I was just idly standing around waiting in a dungeon or battleground queue. Most the times I stood right outside the tavern where I always see some casual roleplay, but I also stood in a completely random place once when someone dismounted next to me to do some walk-up roleplay. I ended up leaving the queues on all occasions and had some really nice roleplay experiences with them.
I do have a small note in my ooc section that I’m new to the faction so a couple of people also whispered me to say hi and welcomed me to the faction. I know my friend who also made an alt with me had similar experiences. So definitely a shoutout to the characters I have encountered so far!
‘Ese Hordies are growin’ strength, I think we need to stop 'em!
(Good to see more people on the other side. My Zandalari just hit 90 last night.)
Do it! Especially since you can have as many characters as you want on one server now. I’ve made a bunch of horde characters since then and am excited to engage in some hordeside RP.
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Oh, this is SO exciting! The fruits of our labors are finally beginning to sprout.
Thank you everyone who has supported the growth of MG Horde RP. We can do this! Just keep the ball rolling and keep passing the word around.
MG Horde is a friendly, vibrant place, and we welcome new faces and new guilds wholeheartedly.
Hmm I need to explore Horde RP soon. I am shy and only RP in ESO (I think I’ve RPed like 3 times maybe in WoW), since I’m still new to RP (like a bit over a year).
Hey I remember you! I’m so glad to see you having fun with us! Hopefully I get to see more of you in Org! 
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You were lovely and welcoming, so thanks for that!
The second time around with all the trolls was just great. I don’t know how many people we had around that table, but it was like a mini summit in there