Shout out to Blizzard putting games on Steam now

Now this is what i love to see and hear. Their games being more accessible to more people and coming to more platforms like Steam. This is great. :+1: :slight_smile:

Well um. Nice.

But dem ratings though.

How exactly does this make it more accessible? Still requires a account - all you’re doing is buying it from a different store front, before having to go through all the same steps as previous in order to play them. It’s no different to the EA games that require Origin or the Ubisoft games that require uPlay.

Frankly a lot of those “reviewers” need to have their feedback privilege revoked. There’s maybe one or two legitimate complaints on the main page - the rest is just “holier than thou” wankers jumping on whatever is currently trending on the internet.

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Not everybody who plays on Steam will know about Blizzard Games.

Making it publicly available on more platforms is making it more accessible to people.

I do agree it sucks, but there’s really nothing can be done about this at this point, tbh. :man_shrugging:

It’s commonpoint to where even a few indies are doing it, or a few AA studios are too.

Idk if wanting to silence people is a good look, because… Blizzard games hasn’t really done that good lately.

If you like the game, that’s fine. I don’t see how the negative reviews take that away from you. In a same if you hate a game with positive reviews.

But this thread is merely celebrating the fact that their slowly putting their games on steam at all. Even with bnet, i consider this still a huge win for gamers because… more games on more platform is simply better.

Were not talking about the ratings thou. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I have no horse in this race. I think I may have launched OW2 once, and I don’t even remember the purpose for it (it was probably to collect an Amazon reward). So I have zero opinion on the state of OW2 either way beyond “why did they even bother with the 2?”

Trouble is that there’s no value - at all - in review bombs or the reviews people who contribute to them provide. You don’t like [company]? Great - what, if anything, does that have to do with whether [game] is any good? It also removes any usefulness from any other reviews the people partaking might have submitted for anything else, as it’s no longer possible to determine if they’re talking about [company] or [game] regardless of whether they’re supporting it or not.

PS Why do the forums think anything enclosed by chevrons is a placeholder? Using square brackets for non-optional substitutions just feels wrong.

I think they have a sense of brutal honesty you just won’t find here on these forums.

Linux and Proton. Any game on Steam becomes significantly easy(ier) to run on Linux to the point of just downloading it and clicking Play. It makes controller customization easy through Steam for non-Xbox controllers (DS4, Joycons, etc), and that makes running games on Steam Deck a easy/good experience too, compared to the alternative.


Now that’s good to know. Part of me keeps wanting to dabble with Proton given the performance advantages it seems to afford the Steam Deck, and that would certainly make things a lot easier.

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i was trying to put something in and it didnt work out so i gave up nothing to see here but broken dreams

Honestly, I really hope WoW hits Steam.

Call me crazy, but the Google x Valve partnership to leverage proton and get Borealis/Steam working on Chromebooks is exciting to me, and I’d love to have an easy way to play WoW on ChromeOS. Especially now that integrated graphics are starting to get pretty good. Intel 14th gen is targeting 3060 (mobile) performance, which isn’t great, but is more than enough for WoW on a laptop, and AMD’s Strix Point APUs are looking promising too.