Shouldn't monks be quiet fighters? What's with some noisy races being monks?

From those races I’ve tested, Vulpera, Gnome and Mechagnome (females) have quiet a few fight vocalizations–more so than other races I’ve tried that are darn near silent: HMT, Orc and Velf (all female); so if you’ve not tried a Vulpera, Gnome and/or Mechagnome for the monk class, give it a go, 'cause they be noisy! LOL

True; but, then, it’s perplexing the Blizz has some races fight nearly in silence as monks, while others vocalize for nearly every spell. It’s a strange inconsistency, IMO.

welcome to life as a monk unfortunately

Welcome to life as Blizzard’s rendition of a monk.

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Considering we are on a blizzard funded website this went without saying

Idk fam, Monks have always been pretty finicky in D&D too.

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I suppose you’ve got a point. Monks in general tend to lose people’s interest because of the Far East themes juxtaposed against mideaval fantasy. Although plenty of people are interested in bare knuckle brawlers, not necessarily a martial arts expert.

Returning to the point of the OP, I would point out that students in irl martial arts are expected to bellow and shout with each strike. For one as noted above it adds more power. A second reason is it is more intimidating to an opponent. So a loud monk would be closer to an actual martial artist (never mind the leg sweep that resembles some sort of crazy helicopter kick).

Yeah the stunning fist fiasco in DnD. If your team kept a monk around until he unlocked that feat you could stun lock roll even dragons.

1st AD&D edition monks had a chance on every unarmed strike to instantly kill the enemy. There’s a reason it was removed before 3rd edition.

I just imagine wildly flailing in BGs and making this noise when i ToD execute people