Shouldn't Dynamic Flying Also Be Locked to Max Level in Warthin?

The 10.2 patch brought the issue front and center again: having flying on Day 0 of a new zone means skipping over the beautiful and “hard” parts of the zone just to accomplish objectives faster.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to just keep us from flying on Day 0 and simply put the flying unlocks behind max level/exploration achievements instead?

So in Warthin, it would look like “reach level 80 and explore the areas below [insert the world zone exploration achievements here]” before giving an account-wide unlock for both forms of flying.

I know some of you think “if you don’t want to fly then don’t fly!” The crux of that issue is that if everyone else is flying, they’re getting ahead and non-flyers get left behind.


You mean TWAIN.

I am fine with it all being available day 1 in TWAIN

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Should it be locked behind level cap?

That’s debatable. Personally I think that either both or neither should be locked; If one is locked the other should be as well and vice versa.


No, because the zones are massive and designed with 800% flying in-mind.

Have you not tried “TBC” flying in the new zone? AFK hovering is cool but it takes forever to get to your objectives. Now imagine being even slower and having to navigate terrain.


Then you got a choice to make.


That’s a lot of words to say you don’t like people doing stuff faster than you.


It would be a step in ensuring an even playing field for everyone, but it also means zones can be overlooked still.

It really makes me sad I lost my youtube privileges and can’t link the mean girls fetch clip.


Then you don’t value your own definition of fun, you value efficiency over anything else.

If you truly believe what you typed here, you’d be all for getting flying on day 0 or 1.

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With Dynamic Flight enabled from Day 1 that’s already the case.

This is among my least favorite GD troll campaigns.

Stop trying to make that name a thing.


No. I think dynamic flying frequencies m the the start is TWW is just fine. Stop trying to manufacture drama.

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What is “warthin”? Sounds like a really stupid abbreviation. Not sure if it has anything to with wow though.


why would there be a flying tumor?

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No. Let people dragonride asap.

Locking flight to pathfinder was intended to drag out playtime in the first half of expansions. It was more expensive to design an expansion that was fully featured both before flight was released and afterwards. Clearly Blizzard valued the gain in time played over the cost to develop the expansion for both modes.

In this case, the expansion is probably being designed for dragonriding, without much thought to how this will affect those who cannot use it.

Even after the Q&A, people are seriously going to act obtuse about why dragonriding is different than static flying to make these troll threads, huh?

I wish when you said things like:

That you actually meant it.

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What is warthin?