Should WoW go to steam?

Just seems like such an odd issue to get so invested in lol

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seriously, lol

I already knew that prior to making the thread. Are you troll?

So you’re saying Activision-Blizzard didn’t put games on Steam then? Because you seem to be confusing yourself friend, and this anger isn’t doing you favors. :thinking:

Also, you want to talk about desperate? Let’s talk about you complaining about my posting style, lol. :laughing:

You’re not the first desperate person i’ve seen you done that who thinks doing what every other normal human being does on a forum is “cherry picking”.

Tell me you don’t know what implications are, without telling me you don’t know what implications are. Oh wait, you already did here.

Your attitude reflects that with your 30% agruments.

That’s werid, because litteraly every other company, even other MMOmakers do that.

Because knowing how companies operate is not suspose to be my business. I’m a gamer first and foremost. Even if i know how they operate, it still wouldn’t change my opinion or mind on anything about that.

And i really don’t care. As i’ve said before, it wouldn’t change my opinion.

Yet, everybody else is doing it. I wonder why. I mean, it’s not like it’s popular or anything. :thinking:

Nah, Triple AAA companies never involve themselves with something popular, why-- why- would they ever do that? That’s a phenomenon exclusive with hippies. :laughing: /s

I’l be-sure to keep this curiosity in my back pocket, but i wouldn’t trust you to explain it to me here.

OH so what you’re saying is… it’s profitable, because many people are using it? Therefore it’s popular? MIND BLOOOOOOWNED! :open_mouth: /s

Plus, other MMO makers have their own Launchers too, like EA with origin for instance.

More people = more money. It’s really as simple as that. Plus, their a $60 billion dollar company. I think they can stand to lose a few pennies.

If AB was making 10 million dollars off of WoW monthly, and then decided to put it on steam, and have to pay the 30%, how much you think they will still have? I’ve give you the answer, 7 Million dollars. That’s still a lot of money.

As a minor throwaway point. But since you’ve decided to troll and hijack the thread to be about steam (a minor throwaway point that you’re childishly still refusing), i’ve sepperated the topic away from this.

Denying responsibility that you’ve gone off-topic is not helping you.

Infact, i’m pretty sure there’s a CoC rule about going off-topic.

Since you’re not mature enough to leave the thread and make your own thread, i’ve made this into a Steam thread to keep you away from that topic i wanted to talk about, since you have no idea what’s suppose to be the main topic and what isn’t, and don’t know apparently where the Back button is apparently. To quote yourself back at you since you’ve shown a complete lack of disrespect and intelligence towards me…

I think any game should go to steam because as i’ve said, it’s a popular app that every PC gamer uses, and devs can make a lot of money off of it, regardless of the cuts.

It’s literally an undeniable fact that everybody on planet earth understood by now. How anybody can deny or ignore this is baffling and it just seems like they have less of a right to talk about business then me. At least i accepted this basic fact.

Plus, it’s not my fault that she has focused on it. I’ve separated the topic i wanted to talk here, into another topic because of her.

Now i’m going to mute this thread, talk if you want, but there’s really nothing much more to be talked about then what i’ve already debunked, and it’s just going to keep going into circles with already debunked arguments.

Steam is fine; I use it all the time. If I had to pick just one launcher for all games it would be the one.

That said, MMOs are a special breed because their launchers tend to be pretty minimalist and Blizzard’s launcher is far and away better than most.

You also don’t need to have other launchers running for Bnet to launch. In fact, Bnet is one of the original launchers out there.

eh, doubtful

blizzard, there is not one sentence from me about Activision published games and STEAM. Blizzard, Blizzard, Blizzard

you keep posting that word but I don’t think its definition means what you think it means

STEAMs cut is 30%, you think they don’t take a cut of games?

but not the current most profitable one…

then why are you telling them how to operate???

well you will do well in life

popularity has nothing to do with it, profitability has everything to do wit it

then google it and spend some time educating yourself and you will embarrass yourself less

cherry picked line, post the whole quote and we can discuss it

and lose their jobs for it and get sued, you are special

you brought it, yelled at me incorrectly for bring it up, and now are saying you bringing it up is a minor point? Then why did you bring it up?

I have a huge steam library as well. I’ve using using STEAM since it launched, same with WoW. Sal, this entire conversation boils down to this

OP: I want WoW on STEAM
Answer: Their Business Development people clearly ran the numbers and don’t feel it makes financial sense for them to do it at this time.
OP: That’s BS, they are stupid! I don’t care how business works! I want WoW on STEAM now!

Just don’t see the incentive to go on that platform; WoW already has enough clout to go it on their own and don’t need to pay the ferryman for more exposure.

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plus exposure to whom? Even if you broke into the Square Enix server room and pulled their plugs forcing the entire FFXIV player base to go elsewhere, it would just be all returning WoW players coming back and they already have battlenet.

it’s not like WoW is so big that it’s a part of gaming and cultural reference history

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You did give the answer as to why WoW won’t go to steam. 30% is a lot of $$. WoW also use their own servers for maintaining/distributing the game, so why pay 30% for nothing?

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No because Bnet is better than Steam.

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I’m gonna say that steam is better than just not for wow.

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I think they both have their strengths and weaknesses, I do prefer WoW on battlenet though for two reasons

  1. as just a pure “launcher” it does the job no issue
  2. I don’t want the extra step. If you play SW:ToR or LOTRO on STEAM (I believe FFXIV & ESO are the same as well) you first launch the game on STEAM and that sends you to the game client launcher. It’s not a “pain” but it is one more unnecessary step, think starting a Ubisoft game on STEAM that sends you to Ubisoft connect in order to launch the game. I want to click on the game and it just starts.

Also since it requires 2 authentications, if Steam is down, you ain’t playin.

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If WoW ends up on steam, the game will be declared more dead than it ever have been claimed dead, since people will now have an actual way of seeing active player numbers, and that number will only be at about 30-50.000 people globally.

Because people will totally disregard the fact, that the game has its own launcher, and does not NEED steam in order to launch.

People already do this with FF14 afterall.

Majority of XIV players don’t even use Steam but are playing on consoles and through the native launcher so the Steam numbers for that game are far from accurate.