Should Whirling Dragon Punch be Baseline?

On the beta (imo) the lynch pin to the rotation and spec feeling good relies on WDP/Revolving Whirl capstone (and sequenced strikes). Anyone else feel like this should just be baked into the class? Feels like the only way to manage energy/chi with the loss of EH/CB to allow for some regen throughout the rotation.


They’re pretty solid inclusions in most of the top talent builds right now, so practically baseline.

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I personally loathe WDP and how counterproductive it feels weaving in single-target vegetable-eating in order for dessert to be available, so they might as well make it baseline so I can move on from WoW entirely, really. If they could also finish dismantling all Mark of the Crane stack building so that you need to tab around like a DoT class like the ‘good ol days’, that would be ideal as well.

Jokes aside, that WDP is so fundamental to WW playing smoothly at all in AoE situations is really despairing.

the talent is trash
for the long cd and the precursor to use it, it should do 10X the damage it does

yes! i have been saying this since legion. i think WDP should be base kit for WW it is their most iconic button press in my opinion. in addition, i think WW and MW have the largest amount of capstone area talent bloat in the entire game. please fix. <3