Should We Just Add War Mode and Connect CS and Wild Growth?

Connect CS and Wild Growth, to turn War Mode On/Off you need to talk to a NPC in a capital city by the BG NPC’s and 1 Day CD (resetting with Daily Resets) to toggle War Mode On/Off. No benefits for War Mode aside from everyone with War Mode on is flagged for PvP.

This will solve all of the complaints of players crying that “PvP happened on a PvP server” and revitalize the Horde playerbase on Wild Growth.

needs to be chosen on character select and you can only see your selected game type outside of major cities and instanced group content. This way you get pvpers that want to pvp doing that and the pve players being able to access the whole community for groups.

This should have been how it was on release of SoD, would have kept OCE alive at the very least