Should we have Skinwalkers in WoW?

personally i think a zone where things feel off would be a great intro into the horror. have one or two normally peaceful mobs (deer or what not) have them aggro and attack other animals stuff like that

 and there are a lot of zones in wow like that. Felwood is another example. That whole Duskwood/Drustvar vibe is something I enjoy.


Soooo druids? Druids are just skinwalkers now that I think on it
 Maybe kultiran is closer if you were looking for more horror based looking forms. But I am holding out for undead druids, skeleton forms!

This right here would drive me absolutely nuts. I hate when those pop up in other videos games. I’d probably break my keyboard and quit.

You have every right to be offended. Others have every right to not care that you are offended.

And thinking the vast, inter-connected world of 7-8 billion people should care about what you find offensive is immature and self-centered.

Also, taking what is able to be taken was the rule of world for thousands of years before colonialism was even a concept.

:eyes: :rightwards_hand: :latin_cross:

And this is why the world is up a unsanitary tributary without the means of propulsion


Nah. They’re considered taboo to speak of by Indigenous people. (Technically WoW already violates such taboos by including w**digo in the game, but they’ve been working to rename those “yetis” in most places.)

Western religion doesn’t have a great equivalent to how offensive it would be to use some of those folklore elements in their games. The closest would probably be renaming Elune “Jesus Christ” or something, but even that’s not perfect since the monsters you’re talking about are evils rather than a messiah figure.

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:deer: :eyes:

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I’m native and find it very weird when people talk about cultural appropriation on my behalf, and I am not even remotely close to the only one. Some people would probably also be shocked to know we tend to celebrate Thanksgiving and all the other major US holidays, too, and are proud to be Americans. But somehow that gets lost online.


There’s the Sámi peoples who traditionally live in northern Europe. The Sámi peoples will call out people for misrepresenting their culture.

Some of the things to consider in general is that many cultures (especially Indigenous cultures) are more vulnerable to damage and destruction from misrepresentation/appropriation than others and that cultures generally have rules of their own and things that can be considered taboo. What the OP is on about is something that is a taboo topic in Navajo culture and there are people alive today who believe it’s dangerous to discuss the topic.


Even saying it’s name is taboo. If you speak it’s name you are calling it to you. It’s not just myth it’s an actual belief. Now, many Apalachian settlers have similar myths about similar beings. Like never whistle in the woods, if the woods go quiet get out, and if you hear something, no you didn’t.

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How unexpectedly
 Stuck Up of them? But, it is their culture, so I take that back partially. I’m sure blizzard could come up with something better, and less cryptic. If this was fitting in a zone or questline of course.

So a Worgen Druid or druid in general that is antagonistic.

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lol bwwwwaaaa
oh you were serious

But, but, they read a Wikipedia article and now know what should and should not bother all Native American collectively.

people over think things. Jim Butcher did a book on skin walkers in Dresden files. On of HD worst enemies.

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A culture gets to establish norms followed by those who are a part of that culture. They do not get to dictate the actions of others. They can express preferences and others can choose to ignore those preferences or not.

Just like certain religions don’t like their culture being mocked
oh well. That’s what life is. Whine, cry, negotiate, or move on.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing!

You’re 100% right. And not everyone from a single group is going to be of the same opinion. So you’re going to have Native Americans who don’t care about how their culture is represented, and those who do. Why is being respectful and considerate of the ones that do care so bad?

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