Should we have Skinwalkers in WoW?

“The Lure Of Forbidden Fruit. A hard Trap to avoid.”

Yeah, we are never going to see eye to eye on this. To me, if someone misused my culture and my mythology specifically after me, my people and my leaders explicitly asked people not too, I would be offended and I feel like I would have every right in the universe to be offended.

Just because it’s there and you are capable of taking something, doesn’t mean it’s morally right to take it. The way I see it, to think so is the colonialist mindset.


Then call me a coloniser i guess haha.

Ideas are freely exchangable and cannot be owned. If someone from a culture thats not mine thinks something from it is cool, theyre within their rights to adopt it. Its not one way or anything.

Shapeshifter is an idea.

Skinwalker is mythology. It’s part of Navajo culture.

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Myths are ideas. Theyre fictional stories.


Yeah, so is Disney Encanto.

Do your own Disney Encanto. See where that leads you.

The difference here is that, sadly, Disney is significantly more powerful than the Navajo.


Oh boy.

The right to be offended… is that what the kids are learning about on Tik Tok these days. Or worse, public schools.

Maybe I just don’t put much stock in getting offended about folk tales or religious gobbledygook.

There are religions out there who kill people for attempting to draw their religious figures, because they get so offended.

People need to get a grip.


Encanto will be public domain at some point

Great film btw

Violence is wrong, no matter the cause.

But yeah, people have the right to be offended when their taboos and boundaries are crossed, especially when it’s done in bad faith and after you’ve made it clear that people aren’t supposed to do it.


“I think it really is a matter of respect. I say they contact the Navajo, and get their input on it.”

“They could connect them to the Grimtotem, and give them a history that respects the original backstory, since the Tauren are already a reflection of the Native Indians. Then give them an Original name. I think that could be a win/win.”

“Edit: Maybe they could use the Tauren words for skin and walker. To give it an original spin.”

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Oh no, don’t say that name or you’ll unban summon him.

Also still waiting for drop bears. Maybe some wombats in tww.

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I was thinking about him because of this thread… made me wonder if he picked that name just to offend people.

I didn’t even know it was offensive until I read this thread. But he probably knew it was offensive. He had a talent for that.

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I completely agree with you! I would love some actual horror, creepy, bloody even and twisted story in wow. I feel like they completely missed that point in shadowlands. I am hoping to see more of the animation and models to be less cartoony and more “edgy”

Whos that?

Maybe as an academic practice, but here in the real world…

Lol I just googled “drop bears” and my phone was WAY TOO CLOSE to my face :scream:


They probably have chlamydia too.


people are forgetting this is COMPLETELY A GAME and OTHER GAMES have created scary games based off mythical creatures. All games are based off of something and we DONT have to use the word skin walkers…. Also most of you aren’t even in the culture so don’t act offended

I mean it didn’t sound like they get violently upsetti spaghetti when people use their culture.

For some reason I’m imagining a group of people with this old tale passed down for centuries and then some dude on the internet finds out about it and makes content of it and then you have to spend time fielding questions from people on the other side of the world who want to dress up as that creature because they relate to it or something.

I don’t really have anything cultural like that, that I care about, but I would understand being :face_with_diagonal_mouth: about it.

My point is I would like to see more scary and creepy aspects to the game. Not everything can be cartoony or friendship. This is a world of fantasy, war, magic and exploration. I truly hope war within shows some horror. Like the insect people eating humans or laying eggs in their brains etc