Should we give Talent Swapping a cooldown as well?

So you want casuals to be stuck with a boring, generic, everything inoptimal build that makes everything equally less than fun. Why should they pay to play a game like that?

Taking something to the “all or nothing” extreme is a good way to ruin it. It might be nice to have more aspects of a character that are more identity focused and don’t get rerolled for every pull. But I can’t think of any reason why every choice should be that way.

How is that any different from Legion? I haven’t even seen any of the order halls except the Warlock one. And, honestly, the people who just do pet battles and the like probably haven’t even done the War Campaign on both factions in BFA, so they won’t really be impacted if covenants are locked. At the most, they’ll probably level up an alt, or maybe buy a boost, and play through the other campaigns sometime over a year from now, and would never have even thought about ‘missing’ anything.

Meh. They aren’t going to be ‘lackluster or flat out useless’. They might be a few points off optimal, when played at the highest levels, but at the level that most people play at, a 5% HPS, DPS, or TPS difference does NOT make that big a difference. Most won’t even notice it, unless a streamer tells them, because they aren’t concerned with cranking numbers to compare e-peens, they’re concerned with killing bosses and getting loot, and as long as that happens, they’re happy. And at the level most people are at, it is screwing up mechanics rather than optimization that holds them back.

Yep. For some classes/specs/content they certainly are.

Aren’t rogues still waiting on “talents to be named later”?

Would not bother me. I pick the talents for the content I do the most and rarely ever touch them.

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I play Warlocks, primarily, so haven’t really looked at rogues. But for Warlocks? The covenant abilities are all equally ‘OK’. Sure, some might sim higher, but as someone who is a more casual player, they’re all just ‘nice’, and maybe something I’ll try and work in now and then, while spamming shadowbolt, hand of guldan, summon dreadstalkers, implosion, summon tyrant, summon vilefiend… Of course, adding Curses into the rotation, since they’re back and baseline, and probably some things I’m forgetting off the top of my head.

The abilities that have extra buttons are going to end up being ‘nice’, but not insta-win things, like summoning your light mecha on Argus. And the passives with random procs… well, those are random procs that for most people are a “Huh, that thing just happened, cool,” thing, rather than a “Oh, god, I need to make sure this procs or my life is a LIE” thing.

What’s 20% of 2 million? I don’t have to do the math to know that’s a heck of a lot. It will affect more than that, and I realize “ruin” is a strong word. I usually go with “scuffed”, since it doesn’t imply that the game is unplayable, just worse than it could be.

The fact is that no one changes talents every fight and every trash pack. This is not a real argument. It’s a strawman the OP is using to push his agenda.

Please, enlighten me as to what my “agenda” is.

Talents are swapped multiple times throughout a raid. What are you talking about?

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The rogue covenant abilities pretty much work good for a few specs and not good for some specs

One of the abilities can’t be used in solo play because it will make you vanish and reset monster agro, so you won’t be able to use it at all in torghast

Its an awful idea that will keep dead talents deader and just promote a meta of general use talents just like covenants will. I am a great proponent of taking the path of least resistance to get the most out of my damage, and that usually means that for farm raids or anything I don’t have to super min max for I’ll just use the general talents all the time. As it stands that is probably the play with covenants too.

Its bad for the game to stifle gameplay in such a way. All it does is stagnate the meta by discouraging experimentation. Is it so wrong to want to see if one talent works better then another in a specific case like a dungeon or a vision or pvp or a specific raid fight?

What, then, is the point of the talent system?

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No, but without restrictions, you have the current meta where people bring stacks of the tomes so they can switch talents every fight. Having a cooldown, and preferably some kind of gold cost, allows for experimentation, but it prevents exploitation.

Meaningful choice was sorta of removed from WoW long ago. There isn’t really a benefit to being a certain type of class or spec anymore. Which is sad because it was a huge part of immersion and class identity / specialty, but it’s better for game play when “everyone can do everything.”

Is that the right way to go about it? I have no idea.

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So that doesn’t seem to be a problem? Are you suggesting using tomes regularly for their intended purpose is exploitation? A cooldown would hinder experimentation, why should i risk being stuck in an awful set up for a raid when I can pick safe every time?

If we reach the point where we can’t easily swap talents it exists as a trap for players who didn’t do their research, as it is now it goes from class to class. But generally some talents have use even if that use is leveling or world pvp vs instanced pvp or raidfight to raidfight. And some talents are never picked, which is an issue in itself.

No, it doesn’t seem like a problem. And it is the difference between having a shot of Jack, and chugging the whole bottle at once. One is fine. The other is not.

A cooldown of a few days does not dramatically hinder experimentation. Unless you’re pushing high M+ keys or trying to be a high end raider, the bosses will still die, and loot will still be had. And the people who do high M+ keys and high end raiding don’t experiment, they sim.

[Grabs both pieces of fruit and carefully adds them to his hat]

yes… yes… i grow stronger!

/fruit hat
/sexy dance

No please… Then you will just have raids waiting for the timer to come up. Just creating headaches for the sake of headaches

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