Should we give Talent Swapping a cooldown as well?

I think talents should promote playstyles. Take seals for paladins. There are people who absolutely HATE them and others who LOVE them. This is a prime example of what should be a talent. By granting playstyle choices.


I personally think limitless loadouts are a ridiculous concept, it needlessly overcomplicates the game and causes players to put unfair expectations on others.

Dude, did you even read my post? My one example…of many… I can choose between short HoJ, Repentance, and Blinding Light as a talent choice. The situation I use them in depends on so many variables, and it’s nice to be able to change to fit the situation, or my playstyle. One isn’t universally better than the other.

Sure some talents don’t leave much choice, and that should be addressed by Blizzard, but your idea to shove all the talents to each class baseline is absolutely absurd.

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“I’m not a fan of doing what’s best for the team and raid”


I like this idea though it comes with the caveat that Blizzard needs to be able to balance everything in a time when they’re struggling to balance specs as a whole.

Otherwise we end up with a situation of “go holy power for raids, seals for M+”.

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except its your CHOICE to follow the math formula or to do your own thing. you can choose to be un-optimal people do it all the time, your just confirming with this statement that most people want to be more powerful.

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I did. Take it down a notch.

So, then, much of this is the fault of design. The talents that are truly player preference are few and far between. Most are designed to be flatly better depending on the situation or type of content you’re engaging in.

I do it, when required. I just don’t see the logic in having this step. It subverts the original purpose of the talent system, and it lessens class complexity when we could instead have access to more tools at any given moment.

His character does not belong to the hivemind.

Blizzard could also add a vendor that sells full mythic raid gear for 1g each and it would be your CHOICE to buy from it.

So let’s not pretend like physically being able to choose not to do something is a great argument for it being in the game.

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What was the original purpose of the talent system? Talents need to be revamped anyway.

Specialization. A choice which, while talents offered are dependent on it, is separate from it.

this is entirely different though a talent is how you play the game gear is what your trying to obtain. you cant really compare the 2

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Blizzard clearly has a vision. They could easily tune every talent to be within 1-2% of each other. They just don’t want to.

They want people to play a certain way to be optimal.

Make the choice permanent :smiling_imp:

Picked wrong?? Reroll

It’s not comparing the two, it’s pointing out “but it’s optional” is a weak argument.

because there are A LOT of things we could make optional in this game that would not be a good idea to add.

Yes I technically can choose the worse option but the way talents are designed right now makes the whole system less engaging and interesting and, as a result, less fun.

This goes regardless if if I swap every fight or swap only once a week, making that point rather moot.

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How would you suggest talents be made consequential?

we barely even have talents

we have 3 options, one of them is the best, the other two are more than likely noob traps unless you got lucky with a good talent line


I’m going to disagree because talents function more like spellbook and trinkets than they do actual learned skills. This is no different than a mage swapping things in their spellbook while resting in a tavern in DnD. They have to pick what they are going out with and cannot change them in the field but they aren’t going to pick for example fire spells to fight a red dragon; they would pick as many ice spells as possible assuming they’d learned them. Any good mage would be learning and spending every last coin they can spare on new spells too for their spellbook, for that exact reason. So RP wise it absolutely makes sense to me.

Idek. Go back to talent trees maybe.

yes you are, so here you go

a talent swap cooldown is a beyond stupid idea.
we already can’t swap in combat, and in an ongoing m+. that’s enough.

Being able to swap talents for bosses with specific needs is a good thing. It would feel awful to get to a boss you’re progressing on but not be able to take X talent you need because you chose Y talent for a previous boss.

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