Should we ask for a buff version of BWL in Phase 3?

You need to go into Windows Explorer, and delete C:

Disable mods and i guarantee BWL will destroy most. The mods basically play the game for you now.


Isnā€™t ony and Mc easy because people already know the mechanics?

It literally is, thoā€¦

Iā€™m not supporting the idea that it should be retuned, but this statement was funny to me.


just dont allow world buffs for a month and i think it should be fine. lots of guilds still struggle to clear MC efficiently. firemaw is gonna smack them in the mouth

This is the tin-foil hattery Iā€™m here for!


i think you guys are overreacting to the ease of 1.12 molten core. when they announced 1.12 would be the patch along with half-cocked progressive itemization you should have seen this coming. MC was a joke on pservers. thereā€™s still plenty of raid content and yes, even some in BWL thatā€™s going to give lots of guilds trouble

you do know heroic raid on retail, who are several magnitude harder than anything naxx has to offer, get routinely pugged?

nevermind mythic raidsā€¦

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An introductory course to statistics and/or analytics would do you a world of good.

Says the poster on a video game forum :stuck_out_tongue:

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And yet here you are hahahahah


Geeā€¦ I canā€™t imagine you have issues socializing at ALL

HAHAHA you posted a conspiracy level opinion about ā€œmega corporations hiding the truthā€ and after your Alex Jones impersonation you limp off with THIS?!



your opinion is mostly wrong, just wait for later raid tiers. no one with a brain expected MC to pose any challenge to halfway decent guilds

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The current strategy for Rag by absolutely everyone running MC is to burn him down before the first submerge phase. This is not top tier strategy itā€™s just the normal way people do Rag now because we know better and pull out numbers that werenā€™t heard of in Vanilla.

Using the Magmadar sample, over 1000 guilds have < 60s kill time on Magmadar, including every single guild on Arcanite Reaper which is one of the smallest servers with no big names or guilds.

A 60s Magmadar kill means your raid has 13766 DPS.

13766 DPS on Anub means a 108s kill or 1min and 48s.

This is at current gear levels and doesnā€™t take into account BWL and AQ40 gear which will more or less double the DPS, especially once mages switch to fire.

Most mechanics will be negated in Naxx by damage.

There are some mechanics that canā€™t be negated by damage like the Safety Dance, Thaddius Charges and so on.

Naxx will still be difficult but not as difficult as people are hyping it up to be. The top tier guilds will most likely clear through Naxx within 4 hours of release.


you forget you have to kill 4 adds on anub, along with most of your melee doing limited dps due to locust swarm. its never as simple as taking the DPS we do in MC and using that at a divider for Naxx boss hp

Heigan will likely force most average guilds to do at least one ā€œfastā€ dance phase, but weā€™re at gear levels right now to be able to drop him before he ports to his platform to start it, at least for the really fast Rag kills.

Thaddius was complicated at one point, but five bucks says DBM will be auto-configured to tell you to go left or right based on your charge and thatā€™ll be that.

Maybe Loatheb? Only because you have to brute force that fight differently than everything else because of his no-heal mechanics. The rest will die really quickly.

This is categorically untrue.

Most people arenā€™t in full epics, and if they are, theyā€™re not good players. Thereā€™s SO MANY BIS blues for classes that wonā€™t be replaced until BWL or later.

Additionally, clearing max clears, there isnā€™t enough drops for 40 raiders to deck them all out in epics even if they wanted to. I mean, unless youā€™re talking about a warrior tossing on a cloth chest cause no one else needed just to say they have an epic.

People need to remember, there are 1000s of players who do not raid log. It isnā€™t a snooze fest. If that was true we wouldnā€™t see the 100s of threads a day crying about how they canā€™t do anything due to world pvp.

Servers donā€™t need 25k players online at all times for a game to be successful. Classic was never about getting back to 9 million + subs. Just stop it.

Do you guys write Nintendo and demand Ocarina of Time be retuned to more challenging every time you do a replay of it? No. You replay the game and try to do better than you did last time with the larger content of knowledge you now have.

You canā€™t pick and choose what to cry about. No one cried for new quests cause everyone already knew which ones were worth doing and those that were a time sink.

No one asked to redo professions cause everyone knows the best way to level them.

No one cried about the best travel points which makes the world feel smaller.

The PVE and PVP content should be no different. The fun is either:

A) Take it as is, as it comes
B) Try to beat your best times and do better

Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s what classic is about. Just seriously stop with this nonsense.


You forgot that you deal with Fear mechanics on Magmadar and DPS will be at least 1.5-2x higher.

ok??? so you admit that taking magmadar dps as a benchmark for anub dps is completely ridiculous, canā€™t be compared. the fear mechanic is easy to skirt, we pre FW all melee then re FW rogues mid fight, warriors can stance dance it

i really love all the ppl on this forum talking about naxx, you guys have zero clue how difficult it will be for 99% of guilds. you are comparing it to 1.12 MC, naxx was tuned for 1.12 (mostly). yes, top top guilds will clear it day 1. top guilds clear it day 2 (~8 hrs of raiding). past that, everyone will struggle. gluth, loatheb, patchwerk, 4 horsemen are brutally unforgiving for people who have never done it before.

going into naxx with the mindset ā€œlol naxx ezmodeā€ will lead to your group failing repeatedly