Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

so because ur lazy means others like to be lazy

I’ll go one step further. I’m 100% certain it doesn’t mean Blizzard’s definition of an exploit.


fury warriors abusing the que system for currency pretty cut and dry

Uh, sure, we can go with that.

If that is what you’re doing, then it sounds like a you problem. You do know know what others are really doing.

yeah sorry i liek to press more then W when i play the game

maybe u should look into botting sounds like thats more ur thing

Which is where he’s just presenting his opinion on the matter as fact.

Then report them. If you think that’s an exploit, report them and see what happens when they don’t get actioned.

Because your opinion on this is completely worthless if blizzard disagrees.

Cool, good tip, I’ll do that, thanks

The question is, should all levelers be banned as exploiters for running dungeons and using the gear that drops in them?

i figured ud like the sound of that

So, here is a question, since you’re against level 11 twinks and holding W, what happens when you’re in a dungeon with fully mythic raiding players?

Oh wait, that’s right, it is alright to hold W then, but it is not alright to hold W for level 11’s.

id ban anyone that qued with a lvl 11 dps spec spamming tank que over and over and over and over and over and over they are also selling RMT power leveling with it

yeah except they arnt doign 99.99999999999% of the damage and 1 shotting every thing and i actually get to play nice try tho

Yeah, you’ve never been in a dungeon with full mythic raiding group, not even able to get conflagrate off on anything, and that is an instant cast.

See, you want one set of rules for one group, another set of rules for others. It does not work like that.

Well, here is a 1 for the low effort trolling anyways, you did get some of us to reply.

So low level tanks will no longer be permitted to run leveling dungeons. And running more than one dungeon will be considered an exploit?

How do xp off characters do powerleveling carries if the player they are supposedly carrying gets only 5% of the xp they would on their own?

no they def can just q as tank spec pretty obvious when a fury warrior lvl 11 is queing as tank

bonus xp at the end of the dungeon that they clear in 3 mins while giving instant ques as a tank

are yall really ungifted with vision?

i def have done TW with geared lvl 80s still more fun then lvl 11 twinks

I have done many of these dungeons. Much of the xp that a player gets comes from killing mobs. And your lie that dungeons are completed in <3 minutes makes it clear you just want to force all levelers out of your game. It makes you feel all squitchy having to play a game with other people in it, eh? Go play a single player game.

Blizz doesnt care about exploits of any type unless they lower their income.

3 mins is about right for deadmines. Not convoluted stuff like dire maul though.