Should Trading Post resurrect now unobtainable items?

Like Arcanite Ripper, Speedy Racer Goggles, Xorothian Firestick, Linken’s Sword of Mastery, etc.?

Trial of Style vendor would be better since they started doing that anyways.

Like these boots. Please put them on the ToS vendor, Blizz.

It appears to be a possibility. It is nice having access to something even if it is somewhat different. Maybe a different color or something of the sort.

If not the original items, then either high resolution versions of said items, recolors, or both. Would like to see a high resolution recolor of the Tier 3 sets, or Judgement Armor for Paladin, possibly even a high resolution version of Dragonstalker armor.

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That’s part of the BMAH, We just need updates to the BMAH as a feature to get removed items and gold sink

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Is it so much to want Ashbringer on my DK?

Yes it should :smiley:

If they’re updated remakes, sure, If they’re the same low poly crap then I don’t want them taking up space.

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They’ve already said that’s what the BMAH is for. No.

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I’d rather see new/updated stuff in the trading post. Leave the old stuff in the BMAH for the players that inexplicably want to shell out millions of gold for 3-pixel armor sets.

Sure, why not?