Should they add Shadow Damage to Lupos

I have heard that Lupos used to do shadow damage and ignore armour, that sounds pretty sweet. I wonder if that would make hunters a better performing DPS class. Do you think doing this is a worthwhile addition?


lol no

otherwise you’ll get gold farmers who sell lupos and who have 20 alts/collaborators parked to grief anyone who tries to tame it without paying

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I mean you could say that about any farm in the game lol

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no you really can’t. Lupos is a one mob spawn which is super easy to grief. I remember on pserver days when the gold farmers would grief the mob until you paid them to tame it. It’s a thing. Let’s not make hunters want to delete their accounts because their bis pet is hidden behind a 10k gold barrier

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you lack imagination if you think there is no other way.

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good luck beating a dedicated gold farming team with 20 collaborators with horde and alliance alts. Didn’t stop getting camped on pservers till they nerfed lupos

Right, but doesn’t everyone use brokentooth anyways? Why isn’t that camped and held at ransom then? or is it idrk?

pet damage is normalized in 1.12 so brokentooth does the same damage as any other pet. It was sought after for PvP purposes due to the 1.0 speed for knockback on casters but you can obtain a similar speed pet from ZG (the bats) so brokentooth isn’t super contested. It has zero impact on PvE.

Lupos pernerf however simply did more damage due to the extra shadow damage component. That makes it BiS for PvE. People will camp it, grief it, etc

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Ah, I see. Still, I think it is rather cool to have a pet like that and I wish there was a solution to the griefing issue while still being able to have access to it.

i used to use Snarler in Vanilla for the resistances. i miss pets having more unique little things about them.


Ya that’s something I wish they would consider doing for SoM or any future seasons.


Just fix the wolf’s howl ability.

Without world buffs bringing a wolf to buff the melee with furious howl might become meta again. However it’s ability as it stands is currently broken, sometimes consuming charges without giving anyone a damage increase afaik.

I would so make a hunter if Lupos was pre-nerf. But as it stands I will make a dwarf rogue and kill any horde I see on my way to 60… a couple of times. I will then live in Org.

Oh, I can’t wait.


not everyone needs the bis pet

Luckily they don’t seem to be planning to add the old shadow damage to lupos so your opinion is irrelevant

tell me more about how mad you are

Not at all since there won’t be a lupos pet with shadow dmg. Keep huffing the copium tho

No because they removed it for being OP since it avoided all boss armor.

So no.

And yet hunter dps would still be below the 15 fury warriors in the group.

Its not game breaking. I hope they revert this change.

Blizzard disagrees since it was nerfed.