Should there not be a character account limit anymore?

For around fifteen dollars a month plus the ease of leveling and creating characters now, should there no longer be a limit?


Your sub fee includes server access to retail WoW, TBCC, and Classic. That’s all your sub fee gives you access to. It doesn’t include perks like character slots.

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I still say make the cap 400 which is the cap for 8 wow licenses * 50 characters, the max you can have on a BNet account


There probably should be a limit. Because some ragamuffins could and would use unlimited characters for evil. Like flooding every server, screwing up realm population stats, or stealing a mass ton of names they’ll never use just to spite others. I don’t know.

A limit’s totally fine though. People generally just want it to be higher than 50.


You post a lot of nonsense.

Paying $15/month (or whatever) is irrelevant to how many characters we should be allowed to have. The same goes for ease of leveling and creating characters. That said, I do feel that there should be an increase as expansions are released so that people can create (and hopefully enjoy) new things w/o needing to delete older less used characters. A limit should still remain if for no reason than people going on a name-claim binge.

Very good point. I’d say I agree with a 400 cap mention above then?

They could always do $ for slots :smiley:

I would hazard a guess that 50 is enough for the majority of the playerbase and people would be happy for $1 a slot or $3 for 5 or something like that, I dunno.

Good point to my sub price being irrelevant. Yeah, I guess I’d change my question to just have an increased amount of characters.

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I’m fine with a limit, but I would prefer it not be 50. Hell, I’d take 60.

If by nonsense you mean fact straight from Blizzard, then yes, it’s nonsense.

The 50 character limit exists to get you to pay additional subs. Don’t expect changes.

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i still say they’ll need to tweak the character select screen before they bump up the character limit. so annoying to use a scroll bar to switch characters on realms i have more than 11 toons on

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There shouldn’t not be no character account limit no more never.

Don’t beat around the bush, say you want more weekly mount drop chances.

I don’t have the energy for that unfortunately. It’s more-so because I like creating different race and class combinations and play switch from them from time to time.

They should just make race swaps available within the barbershop.

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I was really hoping that too, that’d be amazing and I’d love it! But I don’t think they’ll do that sadly, I just would rather level the race than to pay for a race change really…

While I agree, I can’t see Blizz going “Hmm, should we give up $105 a month to cater to the needs of the number of players who want more than FIFTY characters but dont want to pay more than 15 a month?”

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