Only if I can get a custom number that says the highest M+ I’ve cleared is -5.
I checked two of mine, my main back in WotLK and my main since DF.
Both are 27,410. I must be an expert… in something
Maybe we can get tags that say “I identify as someone who has…”
The problem is time and time again, companies end up hiring these types to take over the business.
And then their hubris is our existence
nope didnt even play burning crusade.
read the wow chat bar
https:/ /
these are my achievement points as well if you think that is a flex or whatever you all think makes people a veteran?
https:/ /
just to back my mouth up a little further
https:/ /
I remember when Treyarch bragged about pro players consulting the movement mechanics on a new Call of Duty and the result was unmitigated dogwater.
You are 1000% correct.
You want to gate-keep on the forums?
We want informed opinions on the forums, yeah. That’d be great.
Experience doesn’t actually matter because experts can be wrong. That’s why it’s a fallacy.
Even with high ratings, people will generally talk out of their butt to inflate their perceived value.
They should list whether you payed with money or a token. someone that doesnt contribute to the costs of development shouldnt have any say in the game.
They drive up the gold you get from tokens, so other people are more likely to spend.
Yeah maybe after I make a post, people could apply to comment and I could choose them based on io score.
Experts are wrong a whole lot less than people who are untrained. It isn’t really a fallacy. I’ll continue to get medical advice from my Dr and not Jim from the lumber section of Home Depot.
Eeeeeehhhh? Everyone contributes to development.
If no one was willing to buy subs with gold then no one would buy wow tokens for easy gold.
the irony of the majority of the people in this thread having THIS particular discussion while NOT posting on their most accomplished, highest rated, highest level main characters is not lost on me.
Because forum history doesn’t carry over.
Rather have it in one place than it vanishing when main swaps or server transfers.
I would not go so far as to say “Experience doesn’t matter”, but rather that it has to be kept in context. I certainly prefer that my surgeon have some experience before operating on me, and I might consider their opinion on surgical procedures more thoughtfully than a random article on internet. But sometimes experience can result in bad habits too. At end of day, I prefer when someone can give rational arguments for their position, and we can all calmly discuss without drama.
I slept at a Holiday Inn last night.
I don’t PvP, and I don’t hardcore raid anymore. I still have plenty of knowledge about the game though. What stats do you recommend we display for people who don’t do 1 of the 2 things you mentioned? Why focus just on PvP and raid progression? Are these the only categories you see fit to judge other players on?