Should the tuskarr and gnolls race be playable before the next expansion?

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening, I ask a question for those who wish to participate and the question is: Should the tuskarr and gnolls race be playable before the next expansion comes out? . If well, a whole lore or story was narrated in Trecho Azure. Throughout the campaign we were able to have adventures with the tuskarr and gnolls, dream that one day it would have been nice to play with a tuskarr or A gnoll; but it’s sad to wake up from the dream and see that blizz is not interested in having a playable race, The saddest thing is that the design work on the tuskarr and gnolls was well done. Well I don’t know what you think but I would have liked to play with a tuskarr or a gnoll.

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There is a post for playable Tuskarr :smiley:

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I would do a /dance in real life if Blizzard added Gnolls.

I can’t dance, so it would just be a clown show of badness, but I would still do so just for Gnolls.


I’d love to play a gnoll. A fury warrior would be perfect, just a rabid frenzy of blood and teeth, followed by brief confusion as to why everything else stopped moving.