Should the future of the game be all accountwide?

Even though they said 9.1.5 and dragonflight will be the start of everything be accountwide and stuff like that. But, honestly what are your stance on everything to be more accountwide?

I’m fine with it but ideally I’d like them to make it an opt in thing for people who want “isolated” story characters for RP/immersion purposes.

My idea for the thing

Everything except gear should be accountwide or have heavy catchup.
Gear catchup should be mostly crafted gear and let you enter normal raiding.

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I agree with options. But why do you guys hate yourselves?

You don’t deserve that grind. Look at me. You deserve happiness

Oh no it’s not me that wants it, I’ve just had this discussion about 10 times in the past and know what the arguments against it will be :laughing:

I edited my post to include my idea I came up with for this.

If things weren’t account wide I’d be happy with something like getting double rep once 1 toon has hit exalted. And then when the second toon hits that the third would get triple rep and then finally quad rep from then on.

I’d also like something similar to currency grinds as well. Maybe double the rate. The pocopoc talent tree is a classic example of needing a currency boost when doing that more than once.

Hello, I see you posted a thread about good decisions. World of Warcraft is a game that heavily encourages play through alternate characters so of course most of the game should be account wide! One of the major reasons why people quit is because it becomes a drain to do the things they want to do with other characters!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Every single response coming from you sound more like a bot than a actual human and I went through your respond history every single comment start with the same exact words. It’s like you can’t say anything else besides those exact words.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. This is rather rich coming from someone that seems to be a thread making bot themselves!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

To be perfectly clear I am acting more like a human more so than you I have free reign to post anything within the terms of agreement and service.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. That’s exactly what a bot would say!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Really, every single response from you is hello this and hello that it’s like you are a broken record. That is on repeat and can’t say anything else.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. Kind of similar how you make multiple threads about similar topics over and over…like a bot!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Similar unlike you always going about pretending your all respectful and nice when in actuality you’re not. Also, I don’t post 24/7 constantly so nice try on painting me that.

Everything but levels and gear is what I personally think. Though to me even gear is debatable, like I’d personally even like to see void storage become an account wide stash tab like thing that you can use for BoP stuff.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. This is actually incredibly ironic coming from you! Apparently you haven’t been paying attention to your replies in various threads!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

Posting and responding are two very different things. Know how to use social media or forums before criticizing me on how I use these online platforms. I post 1 or 2 threads a day and not every hour in a day. So I would suggest you double check your definition and language and how you use certain words on here.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. I don’t need to double check anything, you are proving my point everyday!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

I would say the same thing in terms of you I can go on to your history and it would say your more active than I am. And I actually play the game and I would respond to threads here and there but after I while I would stay and read from my screen and not respond unlike you responding to every thread possible with the same type of response. Also, stop trying to be a try hard in terms of being a professional Typer and thinking that somehow you’re a better person than you actually are in person.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. Tryhard professional typer? I have no idea what that is! Also, your definition of “playing the game” is a rather poor one considering it doesn’t appear you play at all! At least I have an excuse for not doing anything, I’m only level 10!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!