Should Shadow Have an AOE Insanity Spender Again?

Does anyone else feel like Shadow Priest could use an AOE Insanity spender again? At the start of Dragonflight, we had Mind Sear, which made spending Insanity in mass AOE feel a lot better. Now, spamming Devouring Plague in those situations just doesn’t feel great. Would love to hear others’ thoughts—should we get something back to fill that gap?

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What if Shadow gets a burst spender that does a bit of splash damage too?

Would help questing, PVP, and packs that die quickly.

Sod has an interesting ability for shadow that puts a void zone on the ground, maybe something like that?

They could just easily re-add the sepulcher 4-set. Though they’d probably just make it a worse version like they did with the 2-set.

If Shadow had an AOE insanity spender we would need what Balance druid has where our damage resource naturally regenerates to 50 before each pull. That way we can start pumping within ~5 seconds of a pull.

To give Shadow an AOE spender, they would probably have to nerf Psychic Link into the ground, because right now our AOE spenders are basically our hard-hitting single target spells (MF: Insanity, DP) that “cleave” via Psychic Link. And then we would be massively nerfed on one of our strongest (and a very rare) damage profiles: sustained spread cleave. I think only Balance druid can ~match our sustained spread cleave damage profile.

I kinda do like the idea of having a shadowy apparition that explodes, or a “black hole” type of ability.

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You do make some solid points actually

There is the Entropic Rift already filling that fantasy as it is exactly a black hole like thing… But I would love if it was a standalone spell instead of linked to Void Torrent. Would at least offer some flexibility to Voidweaver’s talent builds.

I’d love if the Rift behaved a bit more like a Black Hole does: instead of the snare, it would use gravitational force to pull enemies towards its center (more like a slower Ursol’s Vortex).

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