Should Selling/Buying AOTC or other Raid/PVP Achievements Be Cheating?

I disagree slightly. Speeding and capital murder don’t both merit life imprisonment. There are different forms of cheating. Cheesing a mechanic that lets you solo a raid boss is cheating, but I don’t consider it “bannable” like I would if someone is botting.

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As long as they are not paying real money for the service of a carry it’s all good.

I don’t know. When it was a luxury I didn’t see the issue but now that it has exploded well there is clearly a problem.

I think the genie has been out of the bottle ever since blizzard started selling gold.

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So ITT we have OP more concerned with what others are doing than what he is doing and as is usually the case, the game has been soured as a result.

Focus on your experience and you might have more fun.


I’ve never once bought something like AOTC, or achievements. I’ve also never once suggested someone else do it. I do not believe in such, and I think people should find a raiding guild and experience it for themselves. I say this as the GM of a guild of capable people who I raid with every week and I enjoy the company of.


It doesn’t mean that something like this is cheating, depending on the situation and the circumstances. If someone wishes to purchase something like AOTC from a guild using in game currencies such as gold, then that’s on them. I have nothing to say on that, as everything is done through the game.

On the flipside, if something like this is done with real world money, then I think it should be against the rules. The problem with the WoWtoken is it blurs the lines between the two, and these points can sometimes intersect at the same place. Regardless, if only gold is given to the party capable of doing the carry, then I don’t think this is an issue.

Selling isn’t against the rules but advertising such services in game is reportable.

I dont care!
Not being real money and not violating a Blizzard rule, it does not hurt me in any way or cause me problems!
It’s none of my business, how can anyone get something in this game if it does not affect me in any way!

If someone wants to pay for help in some achievement or complete some raid DG, whatever!
In Legion, I got tired of asking the groups as I was, that I had to kill an extra boss in DG Korthana.

No one wanted to kill an extra mini boss, which for them had no gain but it was important for my alchie to get a recipe!

I had to go to the forums and offer gold to a group to help me in this dungeon mini boss.

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Yes and no. It undermines the whole point of achievements, and you can spend money to give people gold for it. So in that sense, it is ‘pay-to-win’. However, Blizzard has added this to the report-able offenses in-game. If you see someone selling these, you can report them accordingly.

It isn’t cheating. They are using in-game currency to join in an in-game event. People can do what they please using in-game gold. It is like selling an item via trade chat vs the AH. It is no different at all. Plus, there is no guarantee these people will get loot since it is all on Personal Loot now. It wouldn’t be any different if they just let them come along on the run for free.

Basically, you are paying for a service just like any other profession. You are paying for their time they took to farm mats to make the item/consumable along with the value of it. No different buying a run. You are paying for a service for their time and effort and all you need to do is just put someone on /follow and then also likely die when the fight starts as most runs have you do this so you don’t cause a wipe.

As for Blizzard. They don’t frown upon this as they have flat out said this is okay to do unless they charge real life currency. Then they will get banned.


Buying runs, stature, and gear has existed since the game started. I remember in my first guild during Vanilla that a warrior paid people on the server to support him for Grand Marshall. The only difference now is that instead of buying gold farmed by Chinese prisoners, you’re buying it from Blizzard.

It isn’t going to go away now. Whether Blizzard approves of it or not.

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We’re all just having a discussion. This isn’t drama club (most of the time). I appreciate the advice; however, just because I ask the community’s thoughts doesn’t mean I’m not focused on my own experience or somehow causing the game to sour or even don’t have fun as you imply.

I’ve been around since vanilla (except WOD) and some of this stuff used to be bannable and it seems it no longer is. I’m just probing the stance shift by both Blizzard and the community’s thoughts about it. That’s all.

Only for irl transactions. For gold there is nothing wrong with it. But I will still make fun of you if you buy one.

Also hit me up if you want aotc for 100k

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Can this line of thinking be used elsewhere?

Is it cheating to buy gear off the AH? I mean…you didn’t earn it. You didn’t even buy the time involved to be present while it dropped.

Is it cheating to buy prof. mats off the AH? You didn’t earn these either, or put in the time to pick those flowers.


I would accept this reason if Blizz hadn’t introduced tokens. I’m sure a lot of people are spending real money to afford those 250K gold runs. In essence, paying Blizz an extra $40 gets you a heroic Uldir carry.

Well that’s my input. Focus on what you do in-game and don’t put thought into to things that aren’t affecting you.

As for GD not being a drama club, I agree its gotten better since new forums but you must not get out much if you think there’s not plenty of drama here.

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People have been doing this since the game came out. I did it myself once for the pretty blue birds mount as I’m older have a touch of arthritis and never would have been able to get the mount any other way. I do not however link the achievement in order to get into other groups.

Does that make sense?


Lets be honest, pretty much the only thing people have to “show off” these days in terms of PvE is the date they get their achievements. Nobody gets world firsts anymore, if I remember right, and mythic gear is achievable by anyone after a certain period of time has passed. Having an AOTC achievement doesn’t mean much anymore except for the date you get it on.

Even if they wanted to, Blizzard wouldn’t be able to stop people from selling these runs.

Don’t miss the big picture. With out the selling of aotc, achievement runs, carries etc, there would be even less reasons for people to buy tokens. Tokens, which are more profitable than subs for Blizz.

So, they may say they’re discouraged, but blizz does so with a wink and a smirk. Those runs are the most efficient way for Blizz to milk the whales via token sales.

I dont see a problem with it… There are many reasons some people are not able to get into a decent raiding guild. whether they put in the work to progress with a guild or they farm or buy gold (keeping in mind someone had to put in the work to farm that gold)

so whatever. If people weren’t so hung up on AOTC/raider io as a means of judging other people this probably wouldn’t be a thing

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I don’t see why… since people are using other tools now available to form their groups. I would say that tool diminished AOTC more than buying runs… Which btw has been going on for as long as I can remember.

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