Except that’s exactly what multiboxing is. No one runs and controls a few characters independently with no scripting involved.
Multiboxing is not botting, however You are correct in that one player is controlling multiple characters at the same time.
No, what he described is key cloning which is not prevented by blizzard.
It’s not botting but it involves automation and scripts which basically as close as one gets to botting without going AFK. The only reason it’s allowed in WoW is because Blizz gets 5+ subs instead of just one. In most other MMOs it’s an offense punished by a ban.
Lol what? That’s not botting at all. Making macros and scripts have always been allowed. That’s what multiboxers do, write scripts that connect everything to keys.
Except that there’s no automation involved, as the characters will not do anything without human interaction. The reason it’s allowed in WoW is because it is a completely valid alternative play style.
No, the reason it is tolerated in WoW is $.
It is embarrassing to see you attempt to put it any other way.
Lol what? Blizzard has always allowed macros. It’s not automatic either due to each action requires an input.
If they made a script which opened up wow and started to “play” the game without any input, this would be botting.
Prove it.
I don’t believe blizzard ever banned or stopped multi-boxing.
If you are willing to pay say $30-75 a month for multiple accounts I don’t forsee a single person in Activision/Blizzard’s finance or marketing department to say ‘no’.
Uh yes a person pays for those accounts.
I don’t do it but others do. It is how they game.
No, you are confused or it has not been clarified to you. To do what the original poster I comment to do requires automatic scripting of the other accounts or it can not be done the way they said in a BG.
Multiboxing it the ability of one player to play multiple accounts at the same time MANUALLY because of the challenge it imposes. The difficulty level is high and makes it more fun to play for those players.
Multibotting or also known as botting is the ability of a player to play multiple accounts by only controlling the one account and automatically controlling the other accounts to mimic the first account through scripts.
They are different play styles understand your terms.
LoL, OK I’ll get right on that.
“play styles”
That’s right and what I thought would come from you.
Quite right. Allowing multiboxers because of the money it brings in is totally something that requires indepth investigation and proof provided to you.
We may never know Blizzard/Activision motivations. It is such a deep mystery.
Lol saying I’m right to prove your right is not proof. You know this. Find me a quote from Blizzard if you want real proof. Otherwise saying it’s purely about money is just speculative and not definite.
In related news, it has yet to be proven that the moon is in fact not green cheese. I mean that moon landing could have been a hoax. Our roving reporter who is totally not Elvis has more…
Manually… with 40 keyboards? I don’t think you know what manually means.
So difficult, much challenge, wow.
Yeah. That’s how multiboxing works.
If you want to pay the money, live it up.
I will continue to make fun of you. You will continue to out-mount me. The world turns.
Multiboxing is not botting, no matter how much you try to say it is.
Botting requires no player interaction. Multiboxing requires the player to actually play.
as much as i despise multiboxing, it’s ok with the TOS and that’s it. Multiboxing has been a thing since vanilla, so why stop people from spending more money.