Should I transfer

I heard rp servers are more lively and people actually interact more.

I mainly want to pvp still, but I would appreciate being in a more “alive” world if that makes sense.

Would it be worth a transfer? What’s the server like?

Hi there!

Always nice to see new faces. I’m sure somebody will be along with plenty of info. Until then the best way to experience ED is to roll an alt and spend time in the realm.



I’m an old school RP’er and I love it here. My guildmates and I left when we saw the grind that was Shadowlands. We put it to a vote and decided to come here. Best decision ever.

We’re working on building a community Discord called Soldiers of Azeroth. TinyurlDOTcom/wowsoa will get you there. I’d suggest finding a guild that suit your tastes among the RP’ers here.

I wouldn’t recommend it. There are better communities out there.


If you want a RP community and you are alliance just roll Moonguard and play in warmode. ED RP is dead and just consists of WSB (wpvp zerg guild) zerging events if any get created.


I would highly recommend Emerald Dream! Sure, there is more RP on MG or WRA, but ED has a good community of its own that dates back to its past unique identity as an RP-PvP server. That official designation is gone, but many people interested in both still come here.

There are good RP and PvP guilds on both Alliance and Horde here. Ask around and it is easy to get connected with people. I also recommend joining the Discord that Banegrivm posted above. It’s a great group of folks trying to build a good community.



Thank you.


ED is a ton of fun! Especially in dragonflight. I’d recommend the move.

As you hang around ED, you’ll eventually figure it out.

Good luck to ya. =)


I prefer ED to other RP realms i have been on. I was in a wonderful guild during BFA that had M+, RP and Raiding. It split up due to try hards that were focussed on mythic raiding and they transferred where they thought they could find more recruits. It split 3 times for the same reasons. So right now i am not in a guild here.

Will probably look for a guild later in expansion after i level my alliance toons.

I moved my horde toons to other realm per the guild majority, but that was a big mistake.

I left that guild, but found a new horde guild I like, but i miss the RP on emerald dream, both horde and alliance.

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That’s the spirit!

Plenty of great people still around ED. Unfortunately, they have taken to more guild centric RP due to past events. I don’t blame them but stick around ED long enough and you will find a few of us who still walk-up and RP.


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@Oakshanks I tried to quote you but for whatever the reason the forums won’t let me.

I couldn’t agree more. The RP here is way better than in other RP realms. People here seem more centered and stable. That’s a huge plus for me. The people that don’t RP have been pretty good too. Oak if you’re still looking for a place let me know. We aren’t ubers or powergamers, we’re just RP’ers that like to have fun.

We’ve been around 22 years because we put each other first before the game. I don’t care if you’re new to RP or what level you are. The only thing that I care
about is that you try to be a good person and make the effort to RP. If you’re still looking now or later, go to 1stfistoflightDOTcom and you’ll find me very easily.

@bhaldur we were just talking about that in the Soldiers of Azeroth discord, about doing some sort of RP event to draw people together, and make them a recurring thing.

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I am not at all surprised. There are still a LOT of good people on ED. =) I’ve participated in many social events on ED, both WPvP and RP, designed to bring all of us together. Watched and appreciated all the hard work, time and dedication that many players put into those events. It always seems that those scheduled events are, more often than not, exploited by a select few players and turned upside down for no obvious reason. A lot of us are wary so don’t take any offense. Maybe your events will be different. I hope so.

Ultimately it boils down to one thing, at least for me. When it’s time to WPvP, I turn on WM. RP is no different. When it’s time for RP, well, I just go out and look for opportunities to RP while I’m doing other stuff. =)



Their will always be people that harass RP’ers sadly. They are easy to turn off with the use of ignore. I am trying my best to pitch in and help. We were just talking in the SOA guild leaders channel about putting together an RP event. I am right there with you as far as RPin when Warmode is on. I think RP can be contagious. Done right it can draw in people from other servers. I’ve seen it happen already here.