Should I Quit Wow?

So last night I was running content with a group (Guild whom I thought was friendly, I introduced myself as a fellow fire mage) and it wasn’t anything special just regular mythic dungeons (Apparently I’m not even good at that), but I got accused of “Messing with them” and I ultimately left the group/guild because they were mocking me in VC for being “Apparently annoyed” by them and “Being horde”, even though I was trying to follow their instructions as accurately as possible, is PVE content just not fit for me then, honestly? I remember raiding back in MOP and I was top DPS as a subtlety rogue, but apparently I am just more than terrible now. I was honestly giving it my best and still failing and I feel so terrible for letting the team down, even if they may have been rude intentionally. Should I just quit wow? Or resort to only playing casually like maxing professions etc…? I feel like I’ll never be as good as the other players and it is really depressing :/.

That would be your call to make. I’ve seen a lot on the forum about how toxic retail is but you can’t really believe what is said in the forum. I am not a fan of retail since they came out with BFA and have pretty much stayed in classic era where I’ve found a comparatively nice environment in which, and people with which, to play this game. Your mileage may vary.

I always get sad when I read these.

First, no. If you were topping the meters as a rogue back in Mists, you are not bad. There is no form of brain degeneration that targets your WoW skills! :rofl:

It’s impossible to guess what happened from a brief sentence or two without specifics, but it usually falls into:

  1. Not knowing mechanics - and specifically the mechanics and routes used by a group who regularly party together, and/or

  2. DPS. I notice you are in 420s. If your guild are frequent flyers, they are very likely in at least 460s. The difference between what you can do in 420s and what you can do in 460s is immense. It’s a whole different game. If they’re just looking at the meter and seeing the other two at 100K and you at 40K that they are not taking the giant gear disparity into account.

If you did do badly compared to the others, there could be some element of both of those. How familiar are you with the dungeons? How many (dozen :slight_smile: ) times have you run them? Because since the introduction of M+, there is a significant number of people who do almostnothing but chain-run dungeons, and they expect everyone to know every corner of each one of them.

It’s also possible, I suppose, that they started to “haze the new guy” a bit, and it went wrong.

Do you have all the latest and greatest addons and WeakAuras for M+, with warnings and routes all that stuff?

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Find a more accepting group of people. Just seems like it was a bad fit.

Doesnt matter if someone is bad or not, as long as theyre honestly trying they shouldnt be ridiculed for it.


Don’t quit - it’s not your fault


I’d definitely say don’t quit. People are gonna be jerks anywhere, just focus on self improvement and findin’ nice folk to hang out with when you can. You may have to hop around for a while to find that but I hope you do.


I’m sorry to hear that im always down to run stuff when im on u can add me if u wish FlaxHero#13476 is my