Should I keep my Alliance/Horde on separate servers or get them on the same?

And in doing so keep the slots down to just one class instead of having two for both factions?

I keep mine separate, but nowadays there’s advantages in having them on the same server so they can be in guilds together, and you can group with friends from both factions.

This character started on my Alliance realm, but I moved to play with RL friends who played Horde on another. Cross faction play wasn’t even an idea back then.


My main realm consists of characters of the same faction (Alliance), and other realms may have horde or alliance, but it is always one faction per server. I don’t know why I do this now that many of the restrictions are gone. Perhaps it is because not all restrictions are gone.


It’s purely because of the Cross-faction that I’m considering this. If I could massively clean up my character log and just have like 13 characters instead of 26 across both factions I’d be happy. Though it does raise the question, do I go Tushui or Huojin for my pandaren monk and do I go Obsidian Warders or Dark Talon for my Dracthyr Evoker?

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My main (horde) is on stormrage. But Ive always been a solo player, so I don’t care if I’m surrounded by people I can’t interact with lol

I only have 3 toons, I don’t care to have them on different servers.

I have Horde toons on the same server, and some separate. Mostly I use the same server when I’m in a good guild, so for guild reasons you may want them on the same server. But sometimes I don’t want to play Alliance on a server, or visa versa. It varies. If you are happy where your Horde toons are, leave them - you can always roll new ones, unless you are at cap.

Here’s the thing, I’ve been wanting to move to a higher pop server because Feathermoon is as dead as they come. Anywhere with a little more life. Course all my max level toons are on Feathermoon and I really don’t feel like spending $155 dollars to transfer them all. Even with the discount. So I figure I’d just relevel them on the new server and perhaps either change up the races for certain classes.

With the whole Cross-faction my options might be greatly expanded.

Being able to craft for and trade with your entire roster is so good. Same server, for sure.

I keep mine on the same cluster so that way if any need gold or bags ectera I can manage it alot easier.

I guess I just need to decide on a new home server for all my characters now instead of just Horde and Alliance.

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I’m in the same boat, one of each class on each side. Though on different servers (Barth/Frosty)

Hate the fact they are on different servers. It does nothing but create inconvenience now.