Draenei Enchancement Shaman
Not just interested in the best for dps, but also transmog and which covenant fits the best thematically.
Draenei Enchancement Shaman
Not just interested in the best for dps, but also transmog and which covenant fits the best thematically.
Well, I don’t think anyone can decide which transmog and theme fits your characters better than you.
If that doesn’t convince you, I say look at the powers you get and decide which ones look like you’d actually use them. You can even try them out before you finalize, if you ask the NPC representatives in the room with Bolvar (each one has a training dummy nearby). Worst case scenario, it is possible to change Covenants, though it’s pretty costly in terms of time and anima already spent.
Necrolords, because vampires are lame.
Venthyr is the best choice for enhancement
Venthyr, Chain Harvest is just so much fun. It’s not even about what is more powerful or whatever, it’s just more fun! From memory the transmog isn’t good either way for Enhancement.
Venthyr cuz it’s cooler
Venthyr is the choice.
I think that depends on what kind of vampire your speaking of…
Twilight glitter sparkle types are a hard pass in my book but the ones we got here that fit the type we saw in media before that (which is really cool in my book)
I put my enh shaman in Necrolords–wanted to get a character into each covenant. Fleshcraft casting time is annoying, but it’s not a bad power.
OTOH, if you haven’t put a character in Venthyr, I like that covenant better overall. (The Necrolord quests tend to be “smash, smash, smash” and get a little too grindy, but they were probably the easiest to do.)
Edit: I do like the Necrolord look on my shaman.
Necrolords, because it is a pain to get around in Revendreth.
I picked Venthyr because the other 3 Covenant class skills didn’t really mesh well with Enhance for me.
Also the teleport is great for all the outdoor puzzles.
Necrolord was my first choice otherwise, but the class spell lacked punch for me.
I have been both, and both are very cool story-wise. I slightly preferred the story for the Necrolords more, but the Venthyr aesthetic is so good.
For tmog ONLY - venthyr mail is very cool.
Transmog and theme is honestly going to be upto you, personally I’m not a huge fan of either of those sets plus I don’t really think they fit the Shaman theme too well.
Chain Harvest for Venthyr is definitely the better feeling ability for Enhance as Primordial Wave spreading Flame Shock doesn’t feel too great.
It is really good for Elemental and Resto though.
Technically speaking Night Fae is best for Enhancement.
Venthyr is just more versatile and easier to use.
You’re shaman, you could use little bit of tankiness so go necro.
I’m terms of performance your shooting your foot going necrolord it is quite weak for with enhance
Venthry is really good in all types of content and fun
Depends. Do you wanna be a sissy who runs around serving tea and crumpets? Then venthyr is waiting for you. But if you wanna be a BIG STRONK SHAMMY WHO CAN TANK LIKE IN THE GOOD OLD DAYS, then the superior and awesome Necrolords are recruiting.
Going by the fact you’re alliance, I’m going to automatically assume you like twilight. Go venthyr.
Also, yes I know it’s bad to assume.
… but sometimes it’s good to be bad.