I want a Horde character and also want to try out the Warlock class. I’m looking to use my 110 boost on this character as well. Opinions?
Female orc warlock.
I vote undead.
I say undead
undead for me
The only correct answer is Female Draenei Shaman.
Undead it is. I think this race is cool too, I especially love the lore of the undead.
Yes especially when you dress in cloth just because it looks sexy.
Anyway, go undead! They are getting super goth hairstyles and purple eyes, It’d look really sick!
Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful
blow kiss
Undead arcane mage
Eugh get your gross draenei breath away from me! Have you been eating crystal dirt again?
Orc, go with the OG’s of warlocks
I went Orc, but I like Demonology and the Pet buff is nice for my Wrathguard.
Went undead and loving it! https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/dalaran/revvenant
Those undead customization are so delicious I cant wait to make all my toons undead again.
Undead, they’re getting some great options in Shadowlands, plus they have better casting and look better in cloth than Orcs.
Female Undead have some of the best casting and attack animations of any race in the game. Also Undead warlock is one of the best race/class combos and they look good hunched over and gangly in lots of the best warlock sets which is saying something since there’s a lot of those.
You’ll be getting more options for customization in SL also.
Edit: No I didn’t skim and miss everyone else saying the exact same thing /oops
Good choice!
I hope to not pass away but if I did I’d surely want to be undead.
… maybe.