Should I give up on Monk?

Hey all; I am not new to Monk, but am new to it in DF. I played it exclusively after it’s intro for two years and really loved it. In DF, I have multiple characters in the 370-400 gear range and I thought i’d give Monk a try again. I just ran Shadow Priest for a few weeks and am comparing them directly because of that. Monk is just SO squishy and seems to have some ridiculous flat spots. It seems you can beat anything as a Monk, and be killed by anything as a Monk as well. I am Just wondering if Monk, as you gear towards 400+ gets better and better, that is my main question here. Thanks all!

Well you’re comparing a caster with a melee, so it’s not really favourable for the melee just off that alone.

But if you’re talking casually playing, then if you enjoy Monks, play them.

if you’re talking super hyper competitive +25s, then both are fine, but Spri will pull ahead pretty drastically when minmaxxed.

Thank You, appreciate that response!

Never give up on a class you love.

Personaly i love MW and BrM, and only played WW as world questing. Yes they are squishy, but squishy classes pull high damage usually. Maybe you could give a try to the other specs ?
Fistweaver feels good in bg, and brM is fun with stagger and all its aoe

Thanks Shanaz, appreciate that perspective. I do love it, am figuring out the survival parts of it.

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Monks has a ridiculous amount of defensive cooldowns now. You have to cycle through them one after the other then use your mobility when the defensives are on CD. Port and roll will be your best friends

Unfortunately not this squishy class