Should I give up my troll gimmick?

hugs MsBombastic and wiggles toes

I think goblins are just as adorable as they are treacherous.


Since I only play shaman, I enjoy changing my race each expansion to spice it up.

Goblins are also amazing with the absolute best animations for things such as sneak and death.


Yes. Being bare foot is bad hygeine and just disgusting.

Wear some shoes!


Have you considered… tauren?

Not only is tauren the one true master race of WoW with the best racial mount in the game, but we haven’t any toes which makes us the complete opposite of your usual schtick.

Have you considered a tauren priest? That’s the only tauren that can wear cloth transmogs, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tauren shadow priest… ever.

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Though I main Warlock.

Gobgal Shamans are in a league of their own when it comes to Mog Options in ehrm certain aspects.


I say you do you! People can take or leave it!

I’m not much of a toe person myself…But hey! Like I said, you do you!

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I have one of each race purely for the reason of collecting any heritage armors/weapons. But I only really play my troll and pandaren characters


:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Truth be told, I don’t care for feet. It’s just hysterical that trolls have few options for footwear.

wiggles toes


Maybe to you it is.
It’s his rp thing,if it’s creepy to you that’s on you.
I mean if goes Undead could do a tongue waggle? Idk

More harmful bacteria and rash and epidermis eating fungi that grow in cleft hooves versus feet exposed to the elements of the ground. Also, cleft hooves are just not kosher.

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Z-Troll is the best race.
If they could be Warlock, I’d change.

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Darkspear are the old guard of awesomeness.


You can’t let that Vulpera take away your toe wiggling freedom. Toe Wiggles Forever!

Also, I enjoy seeing people getting so upset about something so non-offensive


Running a Demon Gobbo Lock atm and hhoooooohhoooooo is that lil fella fast and furious.


Trolls are dope. 1 of the best races. Stay strong.

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Dont forget to kick the imps if they make the sammiches wrong.


Maybe there can be only one in the end, but Highlander had several movies, and a TV show. There were definitely more than one.

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Good thing i am lightforged and a paladin. Both are immune to most infections, including plagues of undeath.

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They do get sent flying quite a bit, I think I’m having too much fun with Implosion