Should I do Discord for arenas?

I think that discord would be better for arena but would it actually make a difference? Also, is a glad push do-able without voice? TYTY! Just curious.

It’s…helpful for getting on the same page. But too often people don’t really know what they need to be communicating and it can be of little to no use, or even a detriment.


Thank you!

Oh, and yes. Keep in mind certain comps are better/easier without voice, and the level of inflation also kind of factors into things. You can usually offer up stuff as far as game plan before a match starts like “hey you need to trinket wall opener or you die” or “I’ll dispel first sepsis”, etc. Just try to avoid overusing/overlaps.

there’s people who’ve gotten glad without voice i’ve been told, but no voice is much harder, but it’s also comp dependent

i’d imagine a zug comp like previous ret/warr or current demo/dk would do better no voice compared to a setup comp like jungle for example. maybe. jungle pretty brainless too idk, i just didnt want to mention rmp.

Just echoing what Kennie said, similarly in PvE people use Discord as well but it’s usually pointless. If no one is saying anything useful until after the game is over then you really aren’t gaining much by being in a discord with randoms.

Don’t do glad pushes without disc - just reading this hurts my eyes.

For completely new players I think no voice is actually not terrible at the start since they can just focus on healing/damage rotations and trying to trade without the pressure of comms but as you get higher you need comms.

I got 2400 Elite with no comms both in BFA and last season. It’s possible but im sure its much easier with comms.

must have been on your “glad” account since the current one is missing mounts ( I would contact customer support) and achievements


every discord sesh ive joined has started off great and then someone just says ggs then insta leaves the moment we start losing a few straight (they usually have 600 games played at 2k cr so maybe that’s a correlation idk)

I like comms with friends. Comms with strangers usually puts a Tommy Lee Jones look on my face.

You purchased a boost and self played to 2400.

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You need voice. I’d also recommend a good Enemy cd tracker and keep track of things like kick, cloak, vanish, etc.

Also on a related note, does anyone know of a good cd tracker that factors in cdr abilities? Idk how many times I’ve been kicked when the addon said they had 5 seconds left on cd.

Communication in general is a good thing and something I would always advocate for, but that’s just me. There’s nothing wrong with finding someone you jive with and hopping on disc to queue.

You misspelled “I bought a boost”

You don’t need voice.


You nerds also need to get over the existential dread of just interacting with people.

Arenas is at its most fun when chilling in disc and enjoying the game with likeminded people.

I don’t track those, I prefer putting a challenge into things and remembering which cd’s were used. I use Omnicds for when I’m not doing comms so I cant track teammates cds.

To each their own. I prefer to make things easy where I can. Arena is tough enough for me already.