Should I come back?

no just play the game

Incendius is more or less dead. Honestly, quit while you are ahead? AQ is launching and unless you just want to experience the raid, the game gonna take a turn for the worse, since the gear gets way too strong.

But then again you wait on shadowlands and seem to have hopes its gonna be decent (lol). So your definition of “quality” or “good game” might be different than mine.

I came back yesterday, left in March, I am not playing my Rogue however the game really loves Casters right now. Warlock, S Priest, Mage. Playing as Rogue just isn’t fun with all the Stun Resists, Dots. Aoes.

Come back and lvl a Mage like everyone else, Something I noticed was my Rogue would use 10-15 gold a day pvping needing 20 of each poison, and healing Pots, Thistle Teas, Faps, Flash Powders and Food! Ridiculously expensive and thats not even counting making all my Iron Grenades!

Mage seems to be super cheap, making my own food and water, teleporting to cities instantly, and making my own health pots.

Yes, you should come back.

If you can’t get into your previous character, then you should try rerolling fresh on an the opposite faction.

Did you do it

Game is terrible don’t bother

i rerolled ally to due my part on imbalance. Can’t find a single guild on herrod to help a guy out not even with a measley 1gold for a decent 2 hander to start leveling with

According to, there’s 51% Alliance:49% Horde logging raids in NA. That’s pretty decent balance.

I am not talking about fighting scripted dragons my dude, literally anyone can do that now days.

I was referring to pvp action, my bad

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Oh yeah, fair enough! Helping to balance out the queue times is a good thing, imo. :+1:

im trying just not enjoying starting over from scratch at this point. And buying gold is sketchy. I just need gear to level with ect.

you asked, he answered.

Yeah. Bags and a tiny bit of gold help a lot. I usually start out with mining/herbalism, sell everything, and then spend some time farming something like Deviate Fish, or Light Feathers to get some leveling coin.

I finally came back

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… 5 months later.

I’m having a blast. Retail doesn’t hold a candle to classic for me at the moment.

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