I play Fury Warrior and I was watching Critcake run Mythic Zskarn and in the comments I saw someone mention Spell Queue Window. He said the general recommendation was to take your approximate MS and add 100. I generally hold 45 world MS but it does vary depending on groups I join. Sometimes it goes up to 80 and even 115 if I join a OCE group. I decided to set it to 200 instead of the default 400. I did 200 instead of 150 to have some leeway whenever the MS jumps. I was wondering whether or not I need to do that, or if I can just set it to 150?
Are you playing another game?
No idea what you are taking about.
No we’re playing the same game. You just don’t know what I am talking about, as you said.
Realistically anything 100-150 above for a melee DPS is solid. The important thing is to overshoot your ms.
As a caster I like it higher than that because it lets me spell queue inside casts, but for melee 100-150 is good.
Yeah, this looks like a high-end META topic that people don’t normally discuss. I have never heard about it before this thread…but I did find an interesting article explaining it. It looks like all that time I spent spamming my next spell over the years may not have been wasted after all.
You are always so helpful and informative. Thank you!
Okay, so, prior to mop we didn’t have spell queuing. Or maybe it was the end of cata, but anyways what’d happen is that you’d have to hit a keybind for a spell AFTER your current cast had finished for it to start, which encouraged button mashing.
Since mop we’ve been able to queue abilities by using them while using another one, so it’ll go off after. If you ever need to cast an important ability in a pinch and never had it “go off” then this might be why.
Like, you’re mashing judgment, then crusader strike, but need to bubble and you crusader strike, are in a global and die.
Spell queue window adjusts how much leeway you have with this.
It used to be configurable in the default UI but as you can imagine everybody set theirs to 0 thinking it’d be a dps increase but all it did was brick their rotations because the only people gaining performance by changing it to 0 are literal bots.
I guess my question is, why would anyone change it? After doing some brief google research, it seems that people say it helps with high haste rotations but they don’t explain why or how. To me, it seems having a bigger window to accommodate mistakes and make sure you don’t miss it would always be the better option.
Yeah, that’s why it’s a bit of an advanced option that was hidden. Although something a lot of people would benefit from, I think, is binding /cqs into some very important abilities that are on global.
It serves to cancel any queued abilities.
A lot of people not pressing buttons quickly enough is really just them having their ability on global and another ability queued, so they end up casting another judgment or ice lance instead of using their defensive.
Even though they hit it “in time”.
Your latency isn’t a factor here. It depends more on how fast you spam your keybinds and how reactable you want last moment switches of what keybinds you’re spamming.
E.g. if you hit your keybinds 10 times per second than you want your spell queue window (sqw) to be more than that. Because if you’re able to cast a spell a moment after you hit a key then there is 1/10 seconds until you send that command if your sqw was 0. But if your sqw was greater than 1/10 of a second than the spell would send as soon as possible.
Set your sqw as low as possible for being able to quick switch which spell you are sending but greater than the time between key presses which is different for everyone. Keep in mind if you’re tired you will press keys less often so give you’re self a buffer.
Wow, thank you for the explanation. Had no idea this even existed. Still sorta grey but will mess with it in game and check it out.
Very interesting. Since I pvp almost exclusively, and the window of life and death can literally be milliseconds, I might want to look into this heh. Thanks Kennie
Sure. Demon Hunter in particulars benefits off having super snappy fast reactions to stuff. Another idea, as sweaty as it sounds, is having a additional and separate bind for medallion+defensive.
Like, have a button for netherwalk, but also medallion+nether, just to increase the chance you actually case the ability and don’t get micro-cc’d on it while moving your fingers between keys.
I actually saw a video from Xaryu from back in legion when they changed the default value from 200 to 400 I believe. He was able to fit in 3 globals between his cheap shots with it. You don’t want to go too low though because it will cause you will miss abilities since you can only spam so fast. I found in general that for spamming or ranged in most cases it can be better to have it higher, but for something like enhancement shaman with a lot of proccs it can be good to lower it.