Should essences be removed in 8.3?

You haven’t raided at all in BFA so why all of a sudden is this an issue

I can’t see how you couldn’t be fully geared for mythic raids by chain running mythic +

My dude… its 30,000 honor…

There have been many events, like 12 events that have made that grind straight forward. I got in 2 nights during the WSG Brawl. Yolo queuing with a couple guildies and memeing in discord. Was a fun night.

There is catchup. They’ve reduced the grind. Free is not the answer in an mmo.

m+ drops 430 ilvl gear with a chance for it to warforge.
If you chain run it, you’ll have 430 ilvl at base, which is enough to run mythic raids.

Was a typo meant can’t see how you couldn’t be*

Doing it once is not the issue. Doing it for every alt is the issue. You can consider it nothing the same way that I can consider it alot.

That is the point. Players won’t ever agree. But character progression and power has never really been account bound before. It’s a slippery slope to start it now.

My un-popular opinion? I hate leveling. I’ve leveled once, and by your logic why shouldn’t I get to make as many lvl 120’s as I want? With 440+ gear like my main. I’d like it. I’d play alts more.

But I also know that some paths shouldn’t be taken.

I would be down with that leveling sucks.

Power to the players.

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we love account wide essences

even better if its just given to everybody, that seems a step too far though

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They don’t need to be removed, but time to acquire should certainly be nerfed.

Essences fill some holes that specs have this expansion, so they still need to be kept around.

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Not exactly the same logic. Leveling and end game power progression are entirely different. What I am saying is that the 8.2 end game attunement like mechanics need to be better designed to not pigeonhole people to doing the least inspired and iterated content from bfa. People should have the choice of getting these essences from various sources not just X content like all other gear and AP. There should be an account wide buff that lets people get these things a bit faster.


But they are straight nerfing the requirements for most of the grindy ones…

And they are buffing a lot of the under performing ones to parity. For example, bote, iris and pp are the stronger aoe options. Bote and iris are already competitive and pp will be with buffs. 3 options for which aoe essence you prefer. Do mech, pvp, or keys. Get a comparable reward.

That is the way it should be.

Give people all rank 3 essences on a fresh 120 and it will still take month’s to clear 20s. This garbage content is unnecessary to do for 3rd, 4th, or 5th and beyond.

However for an annyoying blizzard bootlicking troll such as yourself its seems to really work for you. Congrats youre the % of the % self proclained masochist that can go fly a kite. If you want to grind so much you can build a toon and delete it over again.

Dungeons, raids, battlegrounds, and arena are garbage? Getting rewards from doing them, like we have for 15 years, is bad?

What do you need essences for if you don’t play the game?

Im refering to the ones outside of those sources.

Rep, follower quests, and yes the EP raid which will be an outdated raid come 8.3 and force people to do that when they should be doing the current tier for player power progession.

The PVP BIS essences are still extremely miserable for people that despise pvp which is the majority of the player base.

I was under the impression that CLF would drop from the new raid so you wouldn’t have to run EP again. Could be wrong, someone will have to confirm.

I was always under the impression that bgs were one of the best parts of the game. I understand that people don’t like them. But there are other options and if the difference is trivial, which it is atm, maybe 0.5 to 2% dmg difference, if they don’t want to bg they dont have to. Run iris.

I personally love BGs so Ive got way more R3/R4 bloods than i even need. The differeince blood 2 and 3 is pretty substantial and ive youre using meme beam as an outlaw rogue you could easily find yourself laughed out of groups.

I’ve tried coming back a couple times to this game and so much drives me away that I keep canceling.

Next patch looks interesting but I have no desire to come into this game that feels like it is punishing players who never played it from the start. I don’t want things “handed” to me, but I also hate feeling like I have to spend the majority of my time grinding things that may or may not be important later. There is simply so much that could change.

Essences to me are boring and lazy. It was a quick “band-aid” to get away from Azerite gear. Both systems suck. Big part of why I keep canceling.

Flying is another. I never really cared about Flying. But now, I only care because so many people have it, and I feel like a gimp for not. I have to do “Old Content” to get flying. Fine, but it sucks because I can’t participate in the other features in these zones because by the time my ground mount gets me to where I need to be, all the Flyers have it dead. - This is not FUN at all. There should either be “Flying for ALL” or “No Flying at all”. Blizzard needs to grow some balls and make a decision. It’s dividing the community and i know of at least 10 people who don’t play this game because of how “Flying” was something cool and you worked fro in TBC. Now it’s a time gate and a true representation of Blizzards corporate influence driving this game.

WoW is in the biggest mess I have ever seen. I’ve play all expansion and this one feels like it was created by a bunch of amateur Indie Devs trying to create something cool and new. It’s very bad. It don’t feel like WoW at all. I feel like I’m playing the game at someone else pace, and it sucks.

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No… requirements lowered and made account wide is what needs to happen.

If it takes months to to clear +20s, then you’ll have your Rank 3s more than finished and done way prior to that as it takes about 3 weeks to get most of them. Meme beam Rank 3 is a flat 3 weeks for one, and while you wait, you can literally get Rank 2 on your first dungeon.

That’s not nice, did I call you any names ? No ? Then why are you so toxic ? Can’t discuss things without getting mad and resorting to name calling ? That’s immature on your part.