Then we get to listen to how their queues take forever and they’re quitting the game. lol
Smaller level gaps can still get “twinks”. Even in cata last of range levels with good gear can make speed runs happen.
YOu just replace low level scaling math snafu twink with proper a more higher level twink. its still a “twink”.
and with say BDK…if dps that needs validation from meters you may not get it.
which I was fine with. I’ve had enough mana tombs from hell runs to appreciate tanks we really mop up what they started.
and I was more than happy to do that.
Twinks aren’t there to upset anyone. It’s just the most efficient means of farming Timewalking Currency.
Now that I think about it blizzard could jsut fix the ilvls from timewalking gear, they are currently like 30 lvls higher then normal lvl 10 blue items lol.
I’m sad about this. I am classic’ing with my friends I started retail with but I think most are done with it (atleast as far as 0.5 patch).
I giggled at “end the complaining”
A noble goal. Blizzard could give every WoW player a million dollars and there will be a complaint.
Someone may have already mentioned, but a simpler solution would be to have a checkbox that says “max level only”, so you end up in a queue with only max level characters. Everyone else can enjoy their broken scaling while people who don’t want to deal with that don’t have to. Boom. You’re all welcome.
they just need to fix the scaling lol
they just need to add the “karen” role to the looking for group tool, when selected - you will not get any twinks and be forced to grind out the 2 minute dungeon in 40 minutes
More on topic, no this idea is bad. Ppl can live their one dungeon with a lvl 11 spammer. Ive lvled idk 6 chars during The event and i dont even see the lvl of party members i just start blasting to get through it
Imagine 4 lvl 11 fury warriors and a ele shaman queing for a time walking lol
That sounds glorious, split runs between the different bosses.
No - queue times would be too high.
Scaling needs work and Blizzard needs to stop being cheap and put in the effort required to fix the issues instead of expecting us to accept their low-quality mess.
I’ve now leveled 6 characters 70-80 almost entirely in TW dungeons and still haven’t run into a lvl 11 tank. I don’t think this issue is as big as the forums are trying to make it.
most issues the forums rage about aren’t
If it gets rid of the obnoxious twinks one shotting everything I’m all for it. They can do their thing and I can do mine.
Simpler solutions are for them to adjust the formulas which doesn’t take long at all but they’ve so far refused to do as they’re allergic to work. Or just put twinks in their own group pool like they already do in pvp. Then if folks want to group with the twinks for TW they can invite a twink to group or the twink can invite them. Folks who want to go with twinks can do so, and folks who actually want to play their toons can do so again.
Had they not tried to fix what wasn’t broke and left the scaling alone at level 30 this wouldn’t be an issue.
Wouldn’t an easier solution be to make it so XP locked characters can’t join the queue? I feel like they did something like that with PvP (oh, you mentioned it).
Excerpt it doesn’t upset me, or the majority of players. It only upsets a few people who for some reason want to go slowly enough to do their full rotation in a leveling dungeon.
Nah of course it isn’t, plenty of people complaining probably haven’t even encountered one they just like to complain.
Funny enough if you compare prior posts some of the people complaining about speed running also laughed at tanks who asked for groups to go slow and not pull for them.
The way I framed it up there was putting twinks in their own group pool like in pvp. This way if group 1 wants to go with a twink they can group with the twink and roll. If my group doesn’t want a twink one shotting everything we don’t have to deal with it. Both sides win in that instance.
Now if we’re talking about outright locking them from joining group content period, I wouldn’t go that far with it save only as an absolute last resort.
So wanting to actually play your character and do a full rotation before something dies is considered slow now? Wait until you hit raids and m+ where not only do you have to do a full rotation, you have to do it multiple times over to kill things, and they don’t die in one shot.
I know it’s hard to comprehend, but yes there are some of us out there who like to actually cast more than one spell per mob and play the game we’re paying for.