Should Dungeons Queues Revert Back to Character Level Ranges to Eliminate All the Complaining?

So you can’t explain it because you only have nonsense to say.


Nothing will ever stop the complaints. Wonder if that is the true endgame boss.


Which part did you not get? I can type slower. Twinks are only trolling.

I don’t think you know what trolling is.


Trolling is when someone deliberately tries to upset others online.

Like when Twinks disrupt TimeWalking scaling on purpose by locking their XP at level 11.

Woah. We don’t take too kindly to reasonable logic 'round these here parts!


So you don’t know what trolling is! Congrats!


Sure I do. It’s what you are failing at right now.

Sir I am not trolling, trust me. You are just crying about things that don’t matter and without an actual complaint. You can’t explain outside of your feeling that they are trolling.


When you deliberately lock your XP at lvl 11, knowing it is going to obliterate (that means destroy) scaling, and ruin the experience of other gamers, it makes you a knowing, and willing, troll. Like I said earlier. As a Blood Elf, I can’t explain it in a way you can understand. Have already tried a few different ways, yet here you sit, either obtuse, ignorant, or trolling.

How are they ruining it? You make a lot of nebulous claims without any actual supporting evidence. I personally don’t need to prove myself in content designed for leveling that doesn’t provide any gear and I have run hundreds of times. In fact, outside of people leveling, I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone that cares about the TW dungeons. In fact you certainly won’t care about them in January when the event ends and it is back to once a month events.

Yet, you are attempting to speak for the entire WoW community as well. The only person trolling is you. I get you are bored but try to find a better use of your time – like forming a group to run your TW dungeons that you seem so fond of. I am sure you are doing hundreds each week and not just the minimum required per alt right?

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You assume much. Not everyone thinks this is ruining their experience.

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Last time, then I am out for the night.

Speaking ONLY for myself, and NO ONE else in the entirety of the WoW Universe, I, as a level 80 Feral Druid, playing DPS only, queued up for a Classic Timewalking Dungeon which is part of the ongoing anniversary event located outside the Caverns of Time in Tanaris on Kalimdor. I was standing under the huge central pavillion when the Dungeon system let me know 4 other player were ready to participate in a random Classic Time Walking dungeon, you know, from the Anniversary event.

We all zoned into the dungeon at the same time, since the system brings players together to complete the content, and walking into the dungeon is not an option since the VanCleef version of Deadmines is no longer the current version in the Retail experience on World of Warcraft: The War Within. As I looked at the list of players in the party, the tank was a level 11 Panda Prot Warrior, but seemed a bit “off”. As we got into combat, the Panda, level 11, was doing great, but the rest of us were taking some heavy damage from the trash mobs he left behind. A few people even died during the run, since the healer had a hard time mitigating the scaling difference.

By the end of this run, through the VanCleef DeadMines, only available in Classic Timewalking from the anniversary event, his level was still 11, proving he had locked his experience. The rogue in the party who was with him was lvl 77 and did not die because they were in Discord together. This was mentioned at the end of the run when the healer and the tank began to argue. I had just summoned a repair bot to fix my gear and sell some junk and witnessed the discussion. He simply laughed at the end, dropped a fist full of slurs, and then left the group with his friend.

Then I come to the forums to see 3 threads talking about Twinks, and their griefing. So while this may not be everyone’s experience, it was mine. So I made a thread suggesting for TimeWalking only, where scaling is an issue, that maybe splitting groups out by level might help. Instead of coming in and offering actual constructive discussion, I was met with ad hominem, trolling, and willful ignorance.

So, there is my explanation, in complete detail. No complaints. No whining. Simply suggesting and starting a discussion. I will not be replying to you so do with this what you will. I am over your trolling.

This is not a great time. I have Erevien’s special twin to deal with.

This is a problem with the tank, not the twinking.

I agree, but the dmg we were taking would have been better handled if scaling was not broken. Had that tank been a 38 or 67, or even an 80, we would have been better off.

Just fix scaling issues, then this all become a moot point.

Up until max level, all iLevels should really just equal character level (or 3 iLevels per character level). None of this 60 iLevel gear for level 10 twinks which are otherwise wearing iLevel 16 gear. That’s absurd.

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Scaling doesn’t matter. I am going to say it again. Scaling doesn’t matter. At all. Period. End of story. There is no situation in end game where you are going to be dealing with scaling of any sort. The only thing that matters is making sure that max level pve content is balanced. Any “scaling” issues perceived while leveling is strictly a you issue.

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your solution just complicates things so no.


95% percent of the content available in this game is available outside of the current end-game content. What players experience outside of current end-game still matters to the overall experience.

So yes, scaling would actually be a nice thing to fix.