Should Dehya be buffed?

Have you been following? i think Dehya needs buffs and general fixes. Do you agree?

It’s pretty darn bad. The worst out there yet.

Even lesser are preforming better.



I would say “a million times YES” but that would be an understatement. They did her dirty.

The entire Genshin community loved everything about her when she was introduced - her design, her personality, and the voice acting. Then Hoyo dropped the ball harder than a 10-ton anvil when to came to designing her combat kit. Poor numbers, poor elemental reaction synergy, that silly jump-cancel, and getting thrown onto the standard banner as some RNG constellation prize…never to see another premium banner run.

Just increasing numbers isn’t enough; a redesign is needed.

I was so looking forward to her becoming my new main. Being buffed or getting an artifact set with bonuses that’ll work with her will be the only thing that’ll save her. :frowning:

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It’s not the only bad kit but it’s somehow the worst. Some TC are saying she might actually be worse than Xinyan. And worse than Aloy (at least at c0). Even at c6 she’s comparable to the average c0 5 star. It’s bad. Like at that point she’s designed more like a 4 star than a 5 star.

S tier personality. S tier story/backgroumd. S tier aesthetic. F Tier gameplay. Like she does NOTHING for the game. I’m been forcing teams for her. And using her in the open world for friendship exp. But it’s rough. She doesn’t have to be BiS meta dps. But like give her a purpose mihoyo!

A TC said doubling her numbers would barely help. Doubling her numbers would make her cons even more valuable but do little for c0. That’s how bad she is.

I don’t mind her being a tank. But why is her ult like anti tank? it’s a dps ult. Like kokomi’s ult at least heals the party so it has defensive utility. Like maybe if her ult healed the party that could be something?

Idk if she needs a full redesign. But like increase resistance duration, increase how much damage she can redirect (only 50% means you still need a healer), increase her E duration or allow the second cast to refresh the duration. Give her ult something tank/;defensive/heal related. Get rid of her split scaling. Make her scale purely based on hp%. Even with high attack her basic attacks suck so nothing lost there. Split scaling is almost always bad.

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