Should Bricked Keys Be Rolled Back Due to Unannounced Shutdowns?

Me thinks “yes” but realistic version of me knows that ain’t happening.

Or maybe keys should only deplete if a timer actually reaches 0:00…



Yes everyone should get their key refunded if they lost it due to a random shutdown.


In the random PvP finder, Korrak’s Revenge shows that the reward is 300 honor, 40 conquest, and a purple box. In fact, none of these rewards were received. Should Blizzard go back, run a sort, and award those things to players who played it?

Isn’t timed content that is subject to losing progress. Completely different subject.

The keys should be removed from inventory and players disallowed from running further M+ until tomorrow, when they get a shiny new M+2 key imho



Sure it stinks but it be how it be.


apples oranges

disconnecting from AV doesn’t set you back in the next AV


I don’t think Blizzard has a tool in place to roll back keys specifically. But yes if they had it I think it would be “nice to have” if they didn’t derank peoples keys who were in the middle of a run.

The Scenarios aren’t the same. If they asked to be rewarded with the end of M+ rewards then the Scenarios would be. But asking for the key to not derank is completely different.

So it’s okay with you that the people who did it didn’t get the reward they were falsely promised.

all they need to do is give the server shutdown warning half an hour in advance, not 15 minutes.


I don’t care because this thread isn’t about Korrak. Go make a separate thread about that and ask me there.

Okay, then if you’re fine with Blizzard not doing the right thing, you should also be fine with you not getting what you want.

No, it’s about a thread with M+ keys as its primary subject. You know, timed content that puts you backwards in progression if you fail it. It has jack all to do with Korrak.

If you have a problem with Korrak (personally I think they should just remove it because it’s not fun), go whine about it in your own thread, not here in a thread that has nothing to do with it.

Keys shouldn’t deplete, period.

My issue with today’s shutdown isn’t that it happened. Because stuff happens, and emergency maintenance is sometimes needed. My issue is that there was no notification that it was happening. No post here. Nothing on the launcher. Just a 15-minute in-game shutdown message.

In my case I wasn’t doing anything important. Just levelling an allied race for heritage armor. But still.
