Should Blizzard remove Specs?

It seems Blizzard has some great difficulty balancing all the specs in the game, so do you think they should simply remove the least played specs? Or perhaps go the route of FFXIV and all classes have a singular role?

I wish there was a down vote for how much i dont like this idea.


The classes and their specs bring great variety. Even the most “niche” spec has a lot of people playing it. Better turn this into another Pizza thread. :crazy_face: :pizza:


I want that. Pool all the skills and let us choose from groups, like 4 attack, 1 aoe, 2 defensive, 1 utility, etc…


Hehe, Stuffed Crust or regular?

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Absolutely not.

Specs are fine. We just need more glyphs to sculpt our own class fantasy.



This is a clear body sentence.

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Stuffed crust with extra mozzarella (fresh please) with sausage and mushrooms.

Also as a minor PSA, honey makes even unstuffed pizza crust a delightful after-slice mini dessert!

Now, if we’re going to really make this a pizza thread, pineapple or no? I’m firmly in the camp of “pineapple only on hawaiian maui zowie pizza”


I was with you until you decided to stuff fungus on there. You realize those things function off the decay and decomposition of other stuff, right? You’re eating the cousin of mold. Blech.

A core feature of the game shouldn’t be removed because of elitists, no.


I think specs are fine, but I feel it would be better if they mixed them a little bit more like in vanilla WoW instead of saying: oh, you are destro, no you can’t have this spell because this one is for afflictions only.

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There are specs I like that are not part of the ‘meta’ and I don’t care if I do half the dps of the next schmo who is playing the meta. There’s a reason I don’t bother going higher than norm raids and m0. I prefer to actually enjoy my game rather than get pigeonholed into some cookie cutter fotm. Sure you’ll get your fancy ilvl gear. But I always get the last laugh when the next patch makes all your gear you’ve focussed so much on totally worthless.


Yes, yes I do. Blue cheese is blue because it has mold. Other types of mold are not only tasty, but beneficial as well. Not all mold is from the fetid cesspool of filth that is Undercity.

Also, if you choose to look at it as such, any living thing that digests organic matter functions off the decay and decomposition of other stuff. Pot calling kettle black much? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nope, they definitely all are. The only solution is fire. Lots and lots of fire.


What a terrible idea. Some of these threads around here seem like they’re really reaching for something to talk about.

Not for me thank you. The chance that suddenly the class you have been playing for awhile just suddenly doesn’t exist? That doesn’t appeal to me at all. Never mind the simple reduction in options in a game that currently tries to limit our options already.

players being complaining about things like “you are not a mage, you are a frost mage”, however removing the specs is not a solution, is just another problem

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So I’d be stuck as just a tank and not able to switch to a bad*ss dwarven berserker whenever I want?


As a Druid main of 14 years… helldamnno.